Empowering families, improving lives...everyday

Tools and Information

All tools and resources

¡Describiendo el Panorama GENERAL!
Los niños se benefician cuando los adultos que forman parte de sus vidas son capaces de observar y describir la mejor parte de ellos o de apreciar lo que es fundamental en su persona.
Categories: Communication, General, IEP, Spanish
¡Preparémonos!Una guía familiar para apoyar la preparación para Kinder.
La primera experiencia escolar de un niño es una ocasión monumental tanto para la familia como para el niño. Uno puede preguntarse: “¿Está mi hijo listo para la escuela?” y, “¿Está la escuela lista para mi hijo?” Si bien no existe una fórmula única para garantizar la “preparación” escolar, existen muchas oportunidades para que las familias y los cuidadores promuevan y apoyen el desarrollo y el aprendizaje de un niño antes de ingresar al jardín de infantes.
Categories: Early Childhood, Spanish
¿Qué puede hacer por mí la Administración de Servicios Personalizada
¿Qué puede hacer por mí la Administración de Servicios Personalizada?
La Administración de Servicios es una opción. Si Usted opta por la Administración de Servicios , tendrá un equipo de Administración de Servicios que le ayudará a planificar su atención médica y coordinar los servicios de apoyo que Usted necesita.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Intervener_Services_IEP_Team_Discussion_Guide_es_a (1)
¿Son adecuados los servicios de un interventor para su alumno sordo-ciego?
El propósito de esta guía de discusión es ayudar a los equipos del IEP (plan educativo individualizado) a tomar decisiones informadas sobre si los servicios de un interventor son apropiados para un estudiante en particular.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
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NC Medicaid Waivers for People with Disabilities
Medicaid waivers “waive” certain federal Medicaid requirements, such as income requirements, to allow for people with qualifying disabilities to have access to specialized services and supports that are covered by Medicaid.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
1915(i) Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services
NC Medicaid’s new “1915(i) services” help you live more independently in your home and community, and give your caregivers the support they need. These services are for people with serious mental illness, severe substance use disorders, traumatic brain injuries or intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
2023 Month of Military Child Calandar (1)_Page_1
2023 Month of Military Child Activities & Resources for Families
Categories: Family Engagement, Military
Family Engagement Month-3
2023 NC Family Engagement Month Proclamation
Categories: Family Engagement
2023 Social Media Toolkit
2023 Social Media Toolkit - Family Engagement Month
Categories: Family Engagement
504 Fact Sheet—resource thumbnail
504 Fact Sheet
Section 504 is a federal civil rights law, banning disability discrimination in all programs that get federal funding.
Categories: General, 504
Image of NICHY Parent's Guide to Communicating With Your Child's School Through Letter Writing first page
A Parent's Guide: Communicating With Your Child's School Through Letter Writing
Resource document by the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities that provides special education basics, tips for letter writing and sample letters to help parent's better communicate with their child's school.
Categories: 504, Advocacy, Communication, Family Engagement, IEP, Parent Rights, Special Education
Image of children reading with text that says A Parents’ Guide to Special Education in North Carolina
A Parents’ Guide to Special Education in North Carolina
The focus of this Parent Guide from Children’s Law Clinic -Duke Law School, is the federal special education law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that promises each child with a disability a “free, appropriate, public education.”
Categories: General, Communication, IEP, Conflict Resolution, Special Education
image of standards based IEP guide
A Step by Step Process to Creating Standards based IEPs
Before developing IEPs, all IEP team members, including parents, should become familiar with the general education curriculum, including the state’s academic content standards and the state testing program. In order to make informed decisions about appropriate annual goals, supports and special education needs, the IEP team should consider how your child is performing as compared to the state’s academic content standards for the grade that your child is in.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
A Tip Sheet for Families Considering Residential Program - expanded version
A Tip Sheet for Families Considering a Residential Program (expanded version)
Family members of children who have received residential services helped prepare this Family Tip Sheet so that you and others can benefit from their experience. Please use this Family Tip Sheet to help you (1) think about what is most important to you and to your child and (2) decide which questions you might want to ask when considering a residential program for your child.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Tip Sheet for Families Considering a Residential Program - short version
A Tip Sheet for Families Considering a Residential Program (short version)
Family members of children who have received residential services helped prepare this Family Tip Sheet so that you and others can benefit from their experience. Please use this Family Tip Sheet to help you (1) think about what is most important to you and to your child and (2) decide which questions you might want to ask when considering a residential program for your child.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Accommodations to Consider
Accommodations to Consider for Students with Problems in Organization
Note the student’s response to transition between activities. Is s/he disoriented, distracted, or overwhelmed visually or auditorally when moving or preparing for new activity? Is s/he agitated or anxious during the change? If so, consider these questions in addressing this difficulty.
Categories: 504, Accommodations, IEP, Special Education
image of teacher reading to young boy
Adaptations and Modifications
Adaptations and modifications that can be used in the general curriculum, including volume of work, time, support, difficulty, participation, and more.
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Inclusion
If this, do that resource
Adaptations and Modifications—If This, Do That
Guide for actions regarding volume of work, time, support, difficulty, participation
Categories: IEP, Inclusion
Air-Force-Assistance-Fund-AFAF-2022-Brochure (1)
Air Force Assistance Fund
The Air Force Assistance Fund provides support to Air Force families in need (active duty, retirees, reservists, guard and dependents, including surviving spouses). They can help with emergency needs, educational assistanceand family support...and provide comfort and dignity to Air Force and Space Force widows and widowers.
Categories: Military
image of All About Advocates document
All About Advocates
Good special education services are intensive and expensive. Resources are limited. If you have a child with special needs, you will likely need to utilize...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, IEP
An Overview of Deafblindness - NCDB
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Are Intervener Services Appropriate for Your Student Who is DeafBlind?
The purpose of this discussion guide is to help IEP teams make informed decisions about whether intervener services are appropriate for a particular student.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Army Emergency Relief AER - Home School and Remote Education Assistance Program
Army Emergency Relief provides assistance to soldiers for costs associated with home school and remote education.
Categories: Military
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration - AT for Access
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration: AT for Access
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration - AT for Math (1)
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration: AT for Math
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration - AT for Reading
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration: AT for Reading
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration - AT for Writing
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration: AT for Writing
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration - Built-in Operating System Features
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration: Built in Operating System Accessiblity Features
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration - Switch or Eyegaze Accessible Activities
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration: Switch or Eyegaze Accessible Activities
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication
Assistive Technology Tools for Consideration - AT for Communication
Assistive Tools for Consideration: AT for Communication
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication
ADHD Fact Sheet—resource thumbnail
Attention and ADHD Fact Sheet
Parents are distressed when they receive a note from school saying that their child won’t listen to the teacher or causes trouble in class. Sometimes these behaviors are caused by Attention/Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)...
Categories: 504, Behavior, Mental Health
Birth-2 Image
Birth-2 Family Engagement Month Calendar (fillable)
Categories: Family Engagement
Span ECAC_Birth-2_ FEM Calendar_2023-3
Birth-2 Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023 - Spanish
Categories: Family Engagement
Birth-2 Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023 - Spanish (Fillable)
Categories: Family Engagement
Birth-2 Years Old Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
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Bringing Home Baby
It’s so exciting to be getting ready to bring your new baby home. You’ve been planning for this day and it’s finally here! It may be different than you expected; you may feel worried, a little nervous, or even a little scared. That’s totally natural. Almost every new parent feels like this! We realize you may have a few more things to consider. Here’s a list of questions and resources to help you get organized and feel more comfortable and confident as you head home.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Welcoming Home Baby 9-18-23
Bringing Home Baby Infographic
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Business Outreach 2023
Business Outreach 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
CAP/C Application Checklist
In order to apply for the CAP/C Waiver, view this checklist for step-by-step instructions from Advocates for Medically Fragile Kids NC
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Care Notebook
A fillable tool for organizing a child's health care information.
Categories: Communication, General, Special Healthcare Needs
red heart in a pair of hands
Care Notebook - Spanish
Una Herramienta para Organizar la Información de Salud de un Niño
Categories: Communication, General, Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
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Centro de Información de Salud de Familia a Familia (F2F) de Carolina del Norte (Spanish)
Además de ayudar a las familias a comprender el sistema de educación especial, también nos especializamos en ayudar a las familias a orientarse dentro del sistema de salud de Carolina del Norte.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
image of the Circle of Support Action Step 1 worksheet
Circle of Support - Action Step 1
When making choices or setting goals, it can be helpful to know whom you can count on. Different people maybe helpful in different situations. Use this worksheet to write down the names of people who you know that you can ask for support or help.
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
2022 Advocacy Training Toolkit Final Version-en-es-C
Categories: Parent Leadership, Spanish
Cómo hablar con el médico de su hijo sobre atrasos del desarrollo
Como padre, usted es quien mejor conoce a su hijo. Si tiene alguna inquietud o preocupación sobre cómo se mueve, actúa, habla, juega o sobre su desarrollo en general, es importante que comparta esta información con el pediatra.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Spanish
Cómo trabajar con proveedores de intervencióntemprana: Consejos de comunicación para construir relaciones
Los bebés y niños pequeños con discapacidades o atrasos en el desarrollo que reciben servicios de intervención temprana tienden a desarrollarse y aprender mejor que aquellos que no los reciben.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Spanish
Span.Communicating with the school through letter writting-2024
Comunicándose con la Escuela a través de Cartas
Categories: Communication, Spanish, Special Education
How to Help Your Child Develop—resource thumbnail
Concerned about Development? How to Help Your Child
You know your child best. If your child is not meeting the milestones for his or her age, or if you, your child’s teacher, or another care provider is concerned about how your child plays...
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Consejos Claves Sobre El Programa IEP Para Padres de Familia: El Equipo de IEP
Categories: Spanish
Consejos Claves Sobre El Programa IEP Para Padres de Familia: Generalidades del IEP
Categories: Spanish
image of Infused Skills Grid
Cuadro para la Infusión de Habilidades
Al igual que todos los estudiantes, los niños que viven con discapacidades necesitan aprender diferentes tipos de habilidades en la escuela
Categories: IEP, Spanish
Current Leadership Opportunities (1)
Current Opportunities in North Carolina to Tell Your Story, Use Your Voice and/or Participate in Leadership Activities
A compilation of Current Opportunities in North Carolina to Tell Your Story, Use Your Voice and/or Participate in Leadership Activities
Categories: General, Parent Leadership
Deaf-blindness—resource thumbnail
Deaf-Blindness Fact Sheet
A person who is deaf-blind has a unique experience of the world. For people who can see and hear, the world extends outward as far as his or her eyes and ears can reach. For the young child...
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
DeafBlind Intervener Technical Assistance Package
DeafBlind Intervener - NC DPI
DeafBlind Intervener Technical Assistance Package. What is an Intervener and is one right for your student?
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Dear Colleague Letter: Myths & Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology Devices & Services
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication
image of parents rights handbook in spanish
La ley IDEA exige que las escuelas entreguen a los padres de un alumno con discapacidad un aviso que incluya una explicación detallada de las Salvaguardias procesales (derechos legales) disponibles en virtud de la IDEA y de las regulaciones federales complementarias. Es fundamental que los padres de familia comprendan tanto sus derechos como sus responsabilidades en el proceso de educación especial.
Categories: Conflict Resolution, IDEA, Parent Rights, Spanish
Dev. Concerns Infographic 9-18-23
Developmental Concerns Infographic
If you have any worries or concerns about how your child moves, acts, speaks, plays, or their overall development, it’s important to share this information with your child’s doctor.
Categories: Development Delay, Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Developmental Delay (DD) Fact Sheet—resource thumbnail
Developmental Delay (DD) Fact Sheet
Think of all the skills that children have to learn when they come into the world. We expect these skills to emerge naturally over time and know more or less when they should...
Categories: Development Delay, Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Developmental Delays—resource thumbnail
Developmental Milestones
Learn the signs of your child’s development and act early if you ever have a concern. To complete a milestone checklist, download CDC’s FREE Milestone Tracker app or visit cdc.gov/Milestones, and talk to your child’s doctor at every well-child...
Categories: Early Childhood
image of dispute resolution brochure
Dispute Resolution Brochure - NCDPI Exceptional Children Division
When there is an unresolved disagreement over identification, evaluation or educational placement of a child with a disability or the provision of free appropriate public education, families have informal and formal options for dispute resolution. This brochure provides information on IEP Facilitation, mediation, formal written complaint, and due process hearings,
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution
image of NCDPI website
Dispute Resolution Consultants - NCDPI EC Division
The consultants for dispute resolution (disagreements) work with parents, traditional local educational agencies, charter schools, state operated programs and other individuals to resolve disputes. They provide information about facilitated IEP meetings, mediation, formal written complaints and due process hearings. They also investigate formal written complaints.
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution
DSB Transition Services (Web Ready Spanish)
División de Servicios para Personas Ciegas - Servicios de Transición para Jóvenes
Para jóvenes con discapacidad documentada, la Division de Servicios para Personas Ciegas (DSB) ofrece una variedad de servicios individualizados que ayudan a preparar y alcanzar metas para empleo integrado competitivo y una vida más independiente.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB PreEmployment Transition Services (Web Ready Spanish)
División de Servicios para Personas Ciegas - Servicios de Transición Pre-empleo
La División de Servicios para Ciegos (DSB) se asocia con estudiantes, familias, escuelas y otros proveedores de servicios para ofrecer a estudiantes un comienzo temprano en la exploración profesional y la preparación para la vida después de la escuela secundaria.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB Transition Services (Web Ready English)
Division of Services for the Blind - Transition Services for Youth
For youth with a documented disability, the Division of Services for the Blind (DSB) provides a variety of individualized services that help them prepare for and achieve goals for competitive integrated employment and more independent living.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB PreEmployment Transition Services (Web Ready English) (002)
Division of Services for the Blind: Pre-Employment Transition Services
The Division of Services for the Blind (DSB) partners with students, families, schools and other service providers to give students an early start at career exploration and preparation for life after high school.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
diagram of child's brain with icons of graduation hat, heart, clouds
Dyslexia Tool Kit
Our goal: To provide support to you in understanding dyslexia and how your child can get the resources they may need.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Literacy, MTSS
Dyslexia Topic Brief
This Topic Brief by the NC Department of Public Instruction's Exceptional Children Division addresses the common myths about dyslexia in NC Schools.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Special Education
first page of EI DR process comparison chart
Early Intervention Dispute Resolution Process Comparison Chart
This easy to use comparison chart looks at dispute resolution processes from a variety of perspectives.
Categories: Conflict Resolution, Early Intervention, Parent Rights
first page of the Early Intervention Leadership Assessment
Early Intervention Leadership Assessment
In your role as a parent you are an advocate and leader in the everyday life of your family. This survey asks you to think about what you already do and any additional skills you would like to develop.
Categories: Early Intervention, Parent Leadership
Resource Thumbnail - Early Literacy
Early Literacy and Your Infant or Toddler
It may sound silly or even a little confusing to think about “literacy” and your little one. But would it help to know that literacy for a very young child does not mean teaching infants and toddlers how to read? Whew!
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Image of early steps record keeping toolkoit
Early Steps Record Keeping Toolkit
The first three years of your infant or toddler’s life is a very exciting time for you and your family. Each day will bring new opportunities for your child to grow, learn and gain new skills.
Categories: Early Intervention
Resource thumbnail - Early Stages Infant Todler
Early Steps: Early Intervention and the NC Infant-Toddler Program
The first three years of your infant or toddler’s life is an exciting time for you and a very important time for your child’s growth and development.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
ECAC Fact Sheet
North Carolina's parent center, serving families with children (birth to 26) with disabilities or special health care needs
Categories: General
ECAC_FactSheet_04192022_spanish (2)
ECAC Hoja Informativa
Centro de Capacitación e Información para Padres de Carolina del Norte (PTI)
Categories: Spanish
ECAC social community guidelines 5.15.24
ECAC Social Community Guidelines
Elementaria El mes de Noviembre es le mes del Compromiso familia
Categories: Early Childhood, Family Engagement, Spanish
Elementary Family Engagement Month Calendar (fillable)
Categories: Family Engagement
Elementary Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023 - Spanish (Fillable)
Categories: Family Engagement
Elementary Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023, Spanish
Elementary School Family Engagement Month Calendar - 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
Evaluación e identificación de discapacidades específicas del aprendizaje en Carolina del Norte
Categories: Learning Disability, Spanish
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Exenciones de Medicaid de Carolina del Norte para Personas con Discapacidades
Las exenciones de Medicaid "eximen" ciertos requisitos federales de Medicaid, como los requisitos de ingresos familiares, para permitir que las personas con discapacidades calificadas tengan acceso a servicios y apoyos especializados que están cubiertos por Medicaid.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
FACT SHEET - Supporting Students with Disabilities and Avoiding the Discriminatory Use of Student Discipline Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
New guidance from the US Department of Education on discipline for students with disabilities.
Categories: 504, Behavior, IDEA
Tip Sheet 2 - (Mandarin Chinese) Unwinding Appealing a Denial
Fact Sheet: Appealing a Medicaid Denial (Chinese)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Tip Sheet 2 - (English) Unwinding Appealing a Denial
Fact Sheet: Appealing a Medicaid Denial (English)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Tip Sheet 2 - (Spanish) Unwinding Appealing a Denial
Fact Sheet: Appealing a Medicaid Denial (Spanish)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
Fact Sheet: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) is the federal law (44 CFR Subpart B) that states that Medicaid must provide all medically necessary health care services to Medicaid-eligible children under the age of 21. Even if a service is not covered under the NC Medicaid State Plan, it can be covered for beneficiaries under 21 years of age if the service is listed in 1905(a) of the Social Security Act and if all EPSDT criteria are met.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Fact Sheet: Seasonal Affective Disorder
Many people go through short periods when they feel sad or unlike their usual selves. Sometimes, these mood changes begin and end when the seasons change. Many people feel “down” or have the “winter blues” when the days get shorter in the fall and winter and feel better in the spring when longer daylight hours return.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
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Fact Sheet: SSI vs SSDI
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Supplemental Security Disability Income (SSDI)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Fact Sheet- Tailored Care Management
Fact Sheet: Tailored Care Management (TCM)
Tailored Care Management (TCM) is a new care management model that began Dec. 1, 2022, for eligible NC Medicaid beneficiaries. With TCM, eligible beneficiaries have a single designated care manager, supported by a multidisciplinary team, to provide integrated care management to address the beneficiary’s whole-person health needs.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Family Engagement Core Competencies
A Body of Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions for Family- Facing Professionals
additional resources
Family Engagement Resources
Categories: Family Engagement
Family Interaction Best Practices Checklist_Page_1
Family Interaction Best Practices Checklist
This tool can be used by professionals as a self- assessment to reflect on their interactions with families.
Categories: Parent Leadership
Family Involvement Self Assessment
Checklist to help you evaluate whether a leadership opportunity is right for you.
Categories: Parent Leadership
Family Outreach Guide 2023
Family Outreach Guide 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
Family-Led Policymaking Checklist_Page_1
Family-Led Policymaking Checklist
This checklist is designed to support families to develop policies that will help make their vision of educational equity a reality.
Categories: Parent Leadership
F2F one pager (1)-page-001
Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center Fact Sheet (English)
In addition to helping families navigate the special education system, ECAC also specializes in helping families navigate health related systems in NC.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Resource thumbnail - Five Steps Best Advocate
Five Steps to Becoming Your Infant or Toddler's Best Advocate
Start by knowing you are an equal partner in your infant or toddler’s development, medical care and education!
Categories: Advocacy, Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): SSA, SSI, and SSDI
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Guardianship - Resource Guide from the Autism Society of North Carolina
This guide is intended to provide parents with practical information about guardianship to help them make an informed decision.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Guía de Aprendizaje Digital para Padres y Familias
¿Cómo puede esta guía ayudarle? Participar en la educación de su hijo puede conducir a mejores resultados de aprendizaje. Esta “Guía de aprendizaje digital para padres y familias” le dirá cómo supervisar el progreso de su hijo según accede y utiliza la tecnología de aprendizaje. Esta guía tiene como objetivo ayudar a todos los padres y cuidadores, incluidos aquellos que tienen experiencia limitada con herramientas digitales, aquellos que son expertos en estas herramientas y los de conocimiento intermedio. Cada sección comienza con lo básico y se desarrolla a partir de ahí.
Categories: Family Engagement, Spanish, Remote Learning
Family HCT Toolkit - Spanish_Page_01
Got Transition, su Grupo Asesor Nacional Familiar y la colaboración de padres líderes de habla hispana de Family Voices, han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para ayudar y guiar a las familias en la transición de sus jóvenes en los servicios de salud pediátricos a los de adulto. Esta guía es para familias e incluye recursos en español fáciles de usar para ayudar a jóvenes y familias a ser más independientes en su cuidado de su salud y el uso de los servicios de salud. Los recursos incluyen un programa de transición, preguntas para hacerle a su proveedor, lo que significa cumplir 18 años para su salud y más.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
parent guide Glossary and Acronyms SPA Final
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Spanish, Special Education
image of a row of young children reading books
Guía para padres sobre la educación especial en Carolina del Norte
La Guía se centra en la ley federal de educación especial conocida como Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA, por sus siglas en inglés), que garantiza a todos los niños con discapacidades una "educación pública, gratuita y apropiada".
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Spanish, Special Education
FINAL Unwinding Tip Sheets - NC (1) (1)
Has Your Child Lost Their Medicaid Benefits?
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
F2F Newsletter Jan 2023
Health Online: A Quarterly Disability and Health Newsletter (January 2023)
Brought to you by ECAC and NC's Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
FINAL F2F Newsletter July 2022 (1)
Health Online: A Quarterly Disability and Health Newsletter (July 2022)
A newsletter from ECAC, North Carolina's Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
F2F Newsletter Oct 2022
Health Online: A Quarterly Disability and Health Newsletter (October 2022)
A newsletter from ECAC, North Carolina's Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Helpful IEP Questions
Helpful IEP Questions
Questions that may assist the team to establish a review of IEP goals and objectives
Categories: Advocacy, IEP
Talk Tools in Spanish
Estas preguntas son a menudo utilizadas por el personal de ECAC cuando se habla con familias y profesionales. Proporcionan formas efectivas de solicitar aclaraciones en cualquier situación.
Categories: Communication, Spanish
Hoja De Ruta Para El Empleo Significativo Y La Vida Independiente
Hoja De Ruta Para El Empleo Significativo Y La Vida Independiente
Una Guia Para Cuidadores Y Estudiantes
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Leadership fo Children
I Can be a Leader: Leadership fun for Children:
Activities to help Children Develop Leadership skills.
Categories: Parent Leadership, Transition-age Youth
image of CADRE website
IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides - CADRE
5 Quick Guides for Parents of Children & Youth
Categories: Conflict Resolution, IDEA
IDEA Fact Sheet—resource thumbnail
IDEA Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA).
Categories: General, IDEA, IEP
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IEP Checklist
Check out these tips to prepare for your next IEP meeting!
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Special Education
image of road signs and text that says iep mapa de la travesia para las familias
IEP MAPA DE LA TRAVESÍA - Para las familias
IEP MAPA DE LA TRAVESÍA - Para las familias
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
IEP Notebook-Span (2)
IEP Notebook/IEP Cuaderno
IEP Cuaderno Su participación en el desarrollo de un Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP por sus siglas en inglés) que sea efectivo y adecuado es esencial para el éxito de su hijo(a). Aunque el típico IEP normalmente cubre un período de 12 meses, cada IEP ayuda a consolidar la base para el futuro en la vida de su hijo. Piense en el adulto en el que su hijo se convertirá. Al planear, piense más allá de estos doce meses por venir. Considere su participación como un proceso de tres pasos.
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Road signs that say IEP Road Map for Families with ecac logo
IEP Road Map for Families
A guide featuring the North Carolina IEP forms and useful tips for parents along the way.
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood
IEP Tip Sheet for Parents - An Overview of the IEP - What to Know About Your Child’s IEP and How It Is Developed
This tip sheet from PROGRESS Center reviews the elements of the individualized education program (IEP) and the IEP development process.
Categories: IEP
If a Student has Difficulty
If Student has Difficulty….Then Try This!
A great tool full of suggested accommodations for specific areas of difficulty.
Categories: 504, Accommodations, IEP, Special Education
Immigration Status & Eligibility for Medicaid Expansion
Immigration Status & Eligibility for Medicaid Expansion
NC Medicaid now covers people ages 19 through 64 with higher incomes. You may be able to get health care coverage through Medicaid even if you did not qualify before. Medicaid pays for doctor visits, yearly check-ups, emergency care, dental care, mental health and more – at little or no cost to you.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Inclusion fact sheet—resource thumbnail
Inclusion Fact Sheet
Inclusion is an attitude and value system that encourages students to receive an appropriate and quality education in the company of their peers...
Categories: Inclusion
Image of infused skills grid
Infused Skills Grid
Like all students, students who experience disabilities need to learn many types of ‘skills’ in school. These include: habits of mind, basic academic skills, other content areas and functional skills.
Categories: Accommodations, IEP, Special Education
Inside Info on Residential Programs - expanded version
Inside Info on Residential Program from Youth Who Have Been There (expanded version)
Starting residential treatment can be hard, but knowing what to expect can help. Those of us who wrote “Your Life – Your Future” have all been where you are right now. Sometimes we felt lost and like we were thrown into a difficult situation. We put this information together to help you (1) understand what to expect and (2) to get what you need to take charge of your recovery. If you have difficulty getting answers to your questions, make sure you tell your family or guardians and your care coordinator.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Inside Info on Residential Programs
Inside Info on the Residential Program from Youth Who Have Been There
Starting residential treatment can be hard, so knowing what to expect can help. You might feel alone or angry or scared, and you may be concerned that no one will listen to you and your concerns. We have been right where you are now. We put this information together to help you benefit from our experience.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Intellectual disability fact sheet—resource thumbnail
Intellectual Disability (ID) Fact Sheet
Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communication, self-care, and social skills...
Categories: General, Special Education
Intervener Overview Factsheet 2023.docx
Intervener Overview Factsheet 2023 - NC DPI
Intervener Services for Students Who Are DeafBlind.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Intervener Role Comparison Guidance.docx
Intervener Role Comparison Guidance - NC DPI
This document provides the various roles and responsibilities of some of the professionals who may support students with DeafBlindness.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Junior Youth Advisory Team (JYAT) Application (Ages 10-13)
ECAC recognizes the power and value of the voice and ideas of young people. ECAC has launched a Junior Youth Advisory Team (JYAT) to help us design projects, programs, and resources that are created for youth, by youth. ECAC will work in partnership with the group to coordinate opportunities and trainings that support the interests and personal development of the YAT members
Categories: Transition-age Youth
Hmong Adaptations and Modifications
Kev Hloov thiab Kho Adaptations and Modifications (Hmong)
Categories: Accommodations
blue-and-white-background-template-with-golden-ribbon-vector-id1341083393 (2)
La Beca de Premio al Logro Matthew C. Graziadei 2023 aplicación - Español
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
image of student snapshot document
La Instantánea del Estudiant
Los salones de clase son lugares muy ajetreados donde todo pasa muy de prisa. Regularmente a los maestros y demás personal de la escuela, les lleva tiempo conocer y entender las necesidades especiales de su hijo. “La Instantánea del Estudiante” que ECAC ha preparado es una excelente forma de compartir con la escuela lo que a usted le ha tomado tiempo aprender de su hijo y le ayuda a comunicar al misno tiempo las áreas que le preocupan y en donde su niño pueda necesitar más ayuda.
Categories: Communication, IEP, Spanish
La transición de preparatoria en
Carolina del Norte
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
La vida es un viaje: ¡Aprenda más! ¡Haga más! ¡Sea más!
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
Let's Get Ready - A Family's Guide to Supporting Kindergarten Readiness
This resource from the Office of Early Learning, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is designed to support families and caregivers as they initiate the process of transitioning to kindergarten. It can best be utilized when provided at the onset of the Pre-K year.
Categories: Early Childhood, General, Transitions
Library Outreach Guide 2023
Library Outreach Guide
Categories: Family Engagement
LICC Toolkit
LICC Family Engagement Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to provide tips and resources for interacting with families as essential building blocks for LICCs
Categories: Family Engagement
Lista de Verificación del IEP
Lista de verificación del Programa de Educación Individualizado.
Categories: Communication, IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Maneras de apoyar a su hijo adulto
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
Media Outreach Guide 2023
Media Outreach Guide 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
MIC3 Guide for Parents, School Officials and Public Administrators
Military families move between postings on a regular basis, and while reassignments can often be a boon for career personnel, they can be difficult for the children of military families. The average military student faces transition challenges more than twice during high school and most military children will attend six to nine different schools in their lives from Kindergarten to 12th grade. The Compact seeks to make transition easier for the children of military families, so they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children, and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals.
Categories: Military
Middle/High Family Engagement Month Calendar (fillable)
Categories: Family Engagement
Span ECAC_Middle_High_FamilyEngagementCalendar_2023_Spanish-3
Middle/High Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023 - Spanish
Middle/High Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023 - Spanish (Fillable)
Categories: Family Engagement
Middle/High School Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
Milestone Moments—resource thumbnail
Milestone Moments
Take this booklet with you and talk to your child’s doctor at every well-child visit about the milestones your child has reached and what to expect next...
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Military Child Education Coalition - Back to School Toolkit
Planning for the coming year can be overwhelming, especially for military families with multiple children in various grades or after a PCS move. MCEC dove into many resources to provide you with tips and tricks to help you make the school year a success!
Categories: Military
Myths and Facts - Assistive Technology Spanish
Este documento está diseñado para comprender mejor los requisitos de la tecnología de asistencia (assistive technology, AT) de la Ley de Educación para Personas con Discapacidades (IDEA), disipar conceptos erróneos comunes con respecto a la AT, proporcionar ejemplos del uso de los dispositivos y servicios de la AT para niños con discapacidades y resaltar los diferentes requisitos bajo la Parte C y la Parte B de IDEA
Categories: Assistive Technology, NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish
Month of the Military Child Newsletter to OSEP PO
Month of the Military Child Newsletter
ECAC joins the Department of Defense and the military community in celebrating April as the Month of the Military Child with this special edition newsletter highlighting NC Military Children with disabilities and special health care needs and their families.
Categories: Military
Month of the Military Child Special Edition Newsletter
Month of the Military Child Special Edition Newsletter
Learn about Month of the Military Child activities and events!
Categories: Military
Moving to a Medicaid Tailored Plan?
Call your Tailored Plan to make sure your doctors and specialists are in your network. Tailored Plans are a new kind of Medicaid health plan. If you got a welcome packet and new health plan ID card from Alliance, Partners, Trillium or Vaya, you have a Tailored Plan
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Image of NC DPI's MTSS "What is support?" resource
MTSS: What is Support?
This document outlines the three areas under which schools implementing an MTSS Framework should implement supports.
Categories: Learning Disability, MTSS, Special Education
Myths and Facts - Assistive Technology
Myths & Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology
This document is designed to increase understanding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s (IDEA’s) assistive technology (AT) requirements, dispel common misconceptions regarding AT, and provide examples of the use of AT devices and services for children with disabilities and to highlight the different requirements under Part C and Part B of IDEA.1
Categories: Assistive Technology, NC Deaf-Blind Project
NC Early Intervention Infant Toddler Program Brochure (Spanish)
The Be Early Brochure provides basic information about the Infant Toddler Program and what to do if there are concerns about a child's development. Also includes a checklist of developmental milestones for the first year of life
Categories: Development Delay, Spanish, Early Intervention
ITP 9-18-23
NC Early Intervention Infant Toddler Program Infographic (English)
The Infant-Toddler Program provides support and services for the development of infants and toddlers with special need or developmental delays up to age 3 and their families. This service and support is known as the Early Intervention program.
Categories: Development Delay, Early Childhood, Early Intervention
NC Infant-Toddler Program Developmental Milestones
The Milestones Chart helps parents determine whether their child is meeting developmental milestones during the first three years.
Categories: Development Delay, Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Speech and Language
NC Infant-Toddler Program Developmental Milestones (Spanish)
The NCITP Milestones Chart helps parents determine whether their child is meeting developmental milestones during the first three years.
Categories: Development Delay, Speech and Language, Spanish, Early Intervention
NC Medicaid Expansion - Questions & Answers
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Reference Guide-Medicaid Contacts for Beneficiaries_20240201_0
NC Medicaid Managed Care County Playbook Reference Guide: Contacts for Beneficiaries
With NC Medicaid Managed Care comes the introduction of new points of contact for beneficiaries, such as the NC Medicaid Enrollment Broker and health plans
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
NC Medicaid PDN and School Provided Nursing Hours
NC Medicaid State Plan Private Duty Nursing & School-Provided Nursing Hours
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Private Duty Nursing
NC Medicaid: Private Duty Nursing
A Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service. Private Duty Nursing (PDN) is substantial, complex and continuous skilled nursing care that is authorized to supplement the care provided by a beneficiary’s trained, informal caregiver. Eligible beneficiaries must live in a private primary residence with at least one trained, informal caregiver who may provide direct care to the beneficiary during planned and unplanned absences of PDN staff. PDN services must be medically appropriate and medically necessary.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
NCDPI Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Infographic for Families
NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices as well as Social Emotional Learning (SEL). NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem-solving to maximize growth for all.
Categories: Behavior, MTSS
Working Together to Support Childrens Learning Development_WEB-ENGLISH
NCITP: Working Together to Support Children's Learning and Development
Working Together to Support Children's Learning and Development outlines how CDSA staff and community providers use coaching to help caregivers support their children's learning and development.
Categories: Family Engagement, Early Intervention
thumbnail image - NCTIP Spanish
NCITP: Working Together to Support Children's Learning and Development (Spanish)
Working Together to Support Children's Learning and Development outlines how CDSA staff and community providers use coaching to help caregivers support their children's learning and development.
Categories: Family Engagement, Spanish, Early Intervention
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Services - NC Medicaid Tailored Plan.
This service is for people with NC Medicaid to help them get to their medical and mental health appointments. This includes people on the Tailored Plan, a kind of Medicaid health plan. Accessible rides are also available
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
NCDBP Resource FLYER for website
North Carolina Deaf-Blind Project Resources
A collection of state and national resources for deaf-blind families and professionals.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
North Carolina DeafBlind Project Fact Card
The NCDBP is a project of the NC Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children Division through funding from the U.S. Department of Education - Office of Special Education Programs.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
NC Family and Youth Organizations (1)
North Carolina Family and Youth Organizations / Agencies Resource Directory
A resource guide to agencies across the state.
Categories: Parent Leadership, Transition-age Youth
thumbnail image - NCTIP parent handbook
North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program Parent Handbook
The NC ITP Parent Handbook helps parents understand the role and philosophy of the Infant-Toddler Program and answers key questions concerning its policies and procedures.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program Parent Handbook (Spanish)
The Nc ITP Parent Handbook helps parents understand the role and philosophy of the Infant-Toddler Program and answers key questions concerning its policies and procedures.
Categories: Spanish, Early Intervention
North Carolina's Got Talent! Application
YEP's NCGT column is here to put a spotlight on the many talents and abilities of NC Youth & Young Adults with Disabilities ages 5 to 26. The format of submissions can be a poem, artwork, blog, video, song, essay, article, presentation, an "About me" article, you name it. ECAC's Youth Advisory Team will review the submissions and choose which ones to feature in our next newsletter. Selected entries will receive a $25 Visa gift card in the mail!
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Orthopedic impairment fact sheet—resource thumbnail
Orthopedic Impairment Fact Sheet
The IDEA category of orthopedic impairments contains a wide variety of disorders. Cerebral Palsy (CP) affects the largest group of students with orthopedic impairments in public schools...
Categories: Orthopedic Impairment
Out from the Shadows
Learn about informal removal of children with disabilities from public schools.
Categories: Behavior, Special Education
Overview of Deafblindness
Overview of Deafblindness
In this factsheet you will learn what deafblindness is, how many children are affected, and how children who are deafblind communicate.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Painting the Big Picture
Painting the BIG Picture! This worksheet has been created as a way for any adult to help “paint the big picture” of a child they care about and know well. The worksheet guides each writer to describe the child and to provide “tips” on what works best. The tips allow you to make a connection between what YOU know and what others can do to help him/her to be successful.
Categories: Advocacy, Communication, General, Special Education
Overview of Deafblindness - Spanish
Panorama General De La Sordoceguera
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish
Para Explorar El Liderazgo calendario De actividades
¡FEBRERO es el MES NACIONAL DEL LIDERAZGO DE PADRES (FAMILIAR)! En su papel como padre, usted es un defensor y líder en la vida diaria de su familia. Sus experiencias y su conocimiento como miembro de familia son invaluables al momento de tomar decisiones en el campo de la educación. El Mes de Liderazgo de Padres es una oportunidad para honrar y celebrar el papel de los padres que son líderes, ya sea en el hogar, en la escuela, en la comunidad o a nivel local, estatal y nacional.
Categories: Parent Leadership, Spanish
Parent Activties Guide 2023-24
Parent Activity Guide from Appleseed
This guide is designed to provide educators and parent leaders with fun and engaging activities that promote student success and family involvement in education.
Categories: Family Engagement
Parent-and-Family-Digital-Learning-Guide (1)
Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide - US Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
What can this guide do for you? Your involvement in your child’s education can lead to better learning results and outcomes. This “Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide” will inform you, as a parent or caregiver, as you monitor your child’s progress as your child accesses and uses technology for learning. This guide aims to help all parents and caregivers, including those who have limited experience with digital tools, those who are expert with these tools, and anywhere in between. Each section starts with foundational pieces and builds from there.
Categories: Family Engagement, Remote Learning
image of parent handbook
Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education: NC Notice of Procedural Safeguards
It is important that you understand the Procedural Safeguards (legal rights) provided for you and your child with a disability. In this document from NCDPI, you will find a new section in more user-friendly language that summarizes the rights and responsibilities of parents in the special education process. Acronyms and terms often used in special education and resources for parents are found in the appendices.
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution, IDEA, Parent Rights
Parent-Teacher Conference Worksheet
Check out this parent-teacher conference worksheet!
Categories: Communication
Image of a mother pushing her daughter's hair behind her ear. Text that Reads "Parents Guide to Dyslexia" and the Child Mind Institute logo.
Parent's Guide to Dyslexia
This resource walks parents through the signs and impacts of dyslexia, how children can be evaluated for dyslexia and ways that parent's and teachers can help children once they are diagnosed with dyslexia.
Categories: Communication, Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Special Education
Person Centered Planning—Resource thumbnail
Person Centered Planning Fact Sheet
In person centered planning, groups of people focus on an individual and that person's vision of what they would like to do in the future...
Categories: Inclusion
Cover page of the NC Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities
Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities - March 2021
Policies written by the NC Department of Public Instruction outlining how NC schools will implement NC Special Education Law which is based on IDEA.
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Special Education
Image of the Post Secondary Goal Action Step 3 worksheet
Post-Secondary Goal Action Step 3
A tool to help youth create goals in the areas of Training/Education, Employment and Independent Living as part of their Transition to Adulthood.
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Questions to Ask Dyslexia_Spanish-2
Preguntas que los padres pueden hacer...Acerca de la Dislexia y Cómo Mejorar la Lectura
La dislexia es una discapacidad de aprendizaje que afecta las habilidades de lenguaje como la lectura, la ortografía y la escritura. Si su hijo tiene dificultad para leer y usted sospecha que tiene dislexia, entonces usted necesita información específica sobre cómo apoyar el progreso de lectura de su hijo y lo que significa tener dislexia. Las siguientes preguntas lo ayudarán a recopilar la información que necesita cuando asista a una conferencia de padres/ maestros o participe en una reunión de IEP (Programa de Educación Individualizado). Use el espacio proporcionado para escribir las respuestas de los maestros, especialistas de educación o del equipo de apoyo de su hijo. Seleccione y conteste las preguntas que se relacionan con su hijo.
Categories: Learning Disability, Literacy, Spanish
Preparatorias de Carolina del Norte
Requisitos de graduación
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
Preschool-PreK Family Engagement Month Calendar (fillable)
Categories: Family Engagement
ECAC_PreschoolPreK_FamilyEngagementCalendar_2023_Spanish-12 (1)
Preschool-PreK Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023 - Spanish
Categories: Family Engagement
Preschool-PreK Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023 - Spanish (Fillable)
Categories: Family Engagement
Preschool/PreK Family Engagement Calendar 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
Primeros pasos paquete de herramientas para el manteniemeinto de registros (Early Steps Record Keeping Toolkit)
Categories: Early Intervention, Spanish
Welcome to NC ITP!_05182023_Spanish
Programa de Infantes-Niños Menores de Tres Años de Carolina del Norte
El Programa de Infantes-Niños Menores de Tres Años de Carolina del Norte El Programa de Infantes-Niños Menores de Tres Años de Carolina del Norte (ITP, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona apoyo y servicios para el desarrollo de los bebés y niños pequeños con necesidades especiales o retrasos en el desarrollo hasta los 3 años de edad, y a sus familias. Las Agencias de Servicios de Desarrollo Infantil (CDSA) coordinan estos servicios a nivel local para aumentar el potencial de crecimiento y desarrollo de su hijo. Los servicios de intervención temprana no sólo ayudan a aumentar la capacidad de las familias para apoyar las necesidades de su hijo desde una edad temprana, sino que también hacen más probable que este alcance su máximo potencial.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Spanish
Proyecto de Sordo-Ciegos de Carolina del Norte - Tarjeta Informativa
El NCDBP es un proyecto de la División de Niños Excepcionales del Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Carolina del Norte mediante financiación del Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. - Oficina de Programas de Educación Especial.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish
Categories: Assistive Technology, Communication, Spanish
Resource thumbnail - Questions parents can ask about math
Questions Parents Can Ask about Math Instruction
When your child struggles in math, you need specific information to help you encourage and support your child as they develop and build their math skills...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, IEP
Resource thumbnail - Questions parents can ask about math—Spanish
Questions Parents Can Ask about Math Instruction (Spanish)
Categories: Spanish
First page of Questions Parents Can Ask about transition to preschool
Questions Parents Can Ask About Planning for Transition to Preschool
You know your child best and your participation in the transition process is critical. The following questions will help you think about and be prepared to effectively participate in the process.
Categories: Early Intervention, Transitions
Resource thumbnail - Questions parents can ask - reading
Questions Parents Can Ask about Reading Improvement
When you are the parent of a child who struggles with reading, you need specific information to support your child’s reading progress. Whether attending a parent/teacher conference, participating in writing the IEP (Individualized Education Program), or working with your child at home, use the questions that relate to your child to gather the information you need...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, Literacy, IEP
Resource thumbnail - Questions parents can ask about reading - Spanish
Questions Parents Can Ask about Reading Improvement (Spanish)
􀁕reguntas que los padres pueden hacer… Recuerde: Siempre pida una explicación de todo lo que no entendió. Si usted es el padre de un niño al que se le dificulta la lectura, usted necesita información específica para apoyar el progreso de su hijo. Ya sea que asista a las conferencias entre padres y maestros...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, Literacy, IEP, Spanish
first page of questions parents can ask about reading improvement and dyslexia
Questions Parents Can Ask about Reading Improvement and Dyslexia
This worksheet will help you gather the specific information you need if your child struggles with reading and you suspect dyslexia.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Literacy, Special Education
Resource thumbnail - questions about spelling, writing, and testing—Spanish
Questions Parents Can Ask about Spelling, Writing, and Testing (Spanish)
Cuando a un niño se le dificulta la lectura, con frecuencia también se le dificulta la ortografía, escritura y las evaluaciones/exámenes...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, IEP, Spanish
Questions for providers 9-15-23 (1)
Questions to Ask Providers Infographic
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Resource thumbnail - quick guide to special education dispute resolution
Quick Guide to Special Education Dispute Resolution Processes for Parents of Children & Youth (Ages 3-21)
IEP facilitation, mediation, resolution meeting, written state compliance, due process complaint, and hearing request
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution, Special Education
Rethinking Guardianship - Spanish
Reconsideración de la Tutela - Rethinking Guardianship
Apoyo a la elección y la autodeterminación en Carolina del Norte: Una guía
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Regreso a la Escuela
Regreso a la Escuela
Una Guía de Planificación para las Familias de Carolina del Norte con Estudiantes con Discapacidad
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education, Remote Learning
Regular education and special education—resource thumbnail
Regular Education Teachers and Special Education: An Important Part of the Puzzle
Children with disabilities are guaranteed a free appropriate public education (FAPE). There are two criteria typically used to determine...
Categories: IEP, Inclusion
Related Services—resource thumbnail
Related Services
Does your child participate in a social skills group at school? Maybe he goes for speech-language therapy once a week. Or perhaps his teacher works with an occupational therapist...
Categories: IEP
Removal and Replacement of Guardian Packet - Disability Rights North Carolina
This packet provides a list of actions that are grounds for petitioning the Clerk for removal and replacement of the ward’s guardian
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
image of spanish dispute resolution brochure
RESOLUCIÓN DE DISPUTAS - División de Niños Excepcionales
Categories: Conflict Resolution, Spanish
Resumen sobre el Tema de la Dislexia
El propósito de este documento es brindar a las partes interesadas información acerca de la evaluación, identificación y educación de alumnos con dislexia en las escuelas públicas de Carolina del Norte.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Spanish, Special Education
Rethinking Guardianship
Rethinking Guardianship
Supporting Choice and Self-Determination in North Carolina: A Guide
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Image of backpack with text that reads Return to School Planning Guide
Return to School Planning Guide
A Planning Guide for North Carolina Families Who Have a Student with a Disability
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Remote Learning
Rumbo a la preparatoria:
Elegir un curso de estudio
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
Sample Accommodations
Sample Accommodations
This document provides Environmental, Behavioral, Organizational Strategies and more!
Categories: 504, Accommodations, IEP, Special Education
ECAC_SCHOOL_FamilyEngagementCalendar_2023-11 (1)
School Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
School Family Engagement Month Calendar 2023 - Fillable
Categories: Family Engagement
School Outreach Guide 2023
School Outreach Guide 2023
Categories: Family Engagement
Schools and Medicaid
Schools and Medicaid - Information and Answers for Families
Categories: Special Education, Special Healthcare Needs
Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario vs Seguro por Incapacidad del Seguro Social
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Servicios de Medicaid 1915(i) en el hogar y comunidad
El nuevo plan de “servicios 1915(i)” de NC Medicaid te ayuda a llevar una vida más independiente en tu hogar y comunidad, y le brinda el apoyo necesario a tus cuidadores. Son servicios para personas con enfermedades mentales graves, trastorno grave por uso de sustancias, lesiones cerebrales traumáticas o discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Serving North Carolina Military Families with Children with Disabilities and Special Healthcare Needs
As a parent or caregiver of a child with special needs, finding resources is not always easy, especially in moments when you need them the most. It can be even more difficult for military families to locate and identify resources to meet their child’s special healthcare or educational needs. At ECAC, we know that deployment and frequent moves can present additional challenges assessing services and navigating systems
Categories: Military
SLD Resources Quick Reference
SLD Resources Quick Reference
Learn about where to find SLD resources.
Categories: Learning Disability
Special Needs Trust
A Special Needs Trust is a type of trust. It is for someone with a disability. This type of trust gives people with disabilities income. It lets them have this income while keeping their needs-based public benefits. (This may be Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Medicaid benefits.)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
front page of ECAC's SLD Fact Sheet
Specific Learning Disability Evaluation and Identification in North Carolina Fact Sheet
This document is intended to answer some questions that a parent/guardian might have about Specific Learning Disability, the identification process, and what this means for the parent and their child.
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Learning Disability, Special Education
Speech language fact sheet—resource thumbnail
Speech and Language Impairment Fact Sheet
Speech and language disorders refer to problems in communication and related areas such as oral motor function. These delays and disorders range from simple sound substitutions to the inability to understand or use language or use...
Categories: Speech and Language
STAR 2023 and 2024 Pre-ETS Consent to Participate
STAR 2023-24 Pre-ETS Consent to Participate Form - for parents
This form must be completed to be considered for Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) for students who are not already served by NCDVR with an approved Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE).
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
STAR 2023 2024 School Information and Verification
STAR 2023-24 School Information & Verification Form
This form must be completed to be considered for Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS). The information is used to verify whether the individual named here is a student with a disability who qualifies for Pre-ETS.
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
STAR Program -final 10.5.23
STAR Program Flyer (Pre-ETS)
The STAR program offers Pre-ETS* training services including job and career exploration, self-advocacy training, and work readiness training.
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
First page of Steps to Success document in spanish.
Steps to Success - Spanish
Pasos hacia el Éxito: Comunicación con la escuela de su hijo
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution, Spanish
Resource thumbnail: Steps to Success—Communicating with Your Child's School
Steps to Success: Communicating with your Child's School
If you have a child who is receiving special education services, you’re more than likely to be very involved with your child’s school and teachers — including planning, reviewing, and assessing your child’s educational program...
Categories: General, Communication, Family Engagement, Advocacy, Conflict Resolution
Strengthening the Foundation for Effective Family Engagement
Strengthening the Foundation for Meaningful Family Engagement
Categories: Family Engagement
Student Dream Sheet
Student Dream Sheet
Transition is a journey, begin NOW to plan for the trip. The Student Dream Sheet can help students set goals and share their interests and preferences.
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Transitions, Transition-age Youth, Transition to Adulthood
Image of the first page of the Student Led IEP Request form
Student Led IEP Request
This fillable document helps students with disabilities request a leadership role in their next IEP meeting and to specify which parts of the IEP meeting they would like to lead.
Categories: Communication, IEP, Special Education, Transition-age Youth
image of Student Snapshot document
Student Snapshot
Classrooms are very busy and it often takes time for teachers and others to get to know and understand your son or daughter’s needs. ECAC Student Snapshot is a great way to share what you’ve learned about your child with teachers and other school staff and to communicate areas that might be of concern to you.
Categories: Communication, General, IEP
student support decision tree
Student Support Decision Tree
When a parent or teacher expresses concern about a student’s health condition, learning or other challenges, the school will begin a process to determine the type of support and/or services that will meet the child’s needs...
Categories: 504, General, IEP
Talk Tools 2024
Talk Tools
Talk Tools features helpful questions to use in conversations and meetings about your child—including behaviors, accommodations, modifications, support strategies, classroom situations, teaching methods, or a child's response to these.
Categories: Advocacy, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Family Engagement, General, IEP
TPC Talking Points
Talking Points: Transition Planning Conference (TPC)
The TPC occurs when a child served by the NC Infant-Toddler Program (Part C) is between the ages of 2.6 and 2.9 and occurs after the Transition Planning Meeting (TPM).
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Transitions
TPM Talking Points
Talking Points: Transition Planning Meeting (TPM)
The TPM occurs when a child served by the NC Infant-Toddler Program (Part C) is between the ages of 2.3 and 2.6 and occurs before the Transition Planning Conference (TPC). The TPM Is the initial conversation with the family and the Early Intervention Service Coordinator (EISC) to discuss transition from the early intervention program and begin to develop the IFSP Transition Plan.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Transitions
Talking with Your Child's Doctor about Developmental Concerns
As a parent, you know your child best. If you have any worries or concerns about how your child moves, acts, speaks, plays, or their overall development, it's important to share this information with your child's doctor.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Terms to Know—resource thumbnail
Terms to Know
Related terms including FAPE, IEP, LRE, accommodation, FBA, and others...
Categories: General, Advocacy, IEP
Differences IEPs 504 Plans—resource thumbnail
The Differences between IEPs and 504 Plans
Information including basic descriptions, what each does, what law applies, who is eligible, and more...
Categories: General, IEP, 504
The Roadmap to Meaningful Employment and Independent Living
The Roadmap to Meaningful Employment and Independent Living
A Guide for Caregivers and Students on Transition to Adulthood
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
The School Leaders Tool
Building Your School-wide approach to Family Engagement
Categories: Family Engagement, Parent Leadership
Tips for emerging leaders (1)
Tips for Emerging Family Leaders
Ideas to support and encourage family leaders
Categories: Parent Leadership
Tips for Families: Everyday Leadership Skills
You use powerful leadership skills and abilities as you manage your household every day and guide your children in the little and big tasks of life. Here are just a few of the leadership skills you use every day.
Categories: Family Engagement, Parent Leadership
Tips for Preventing Challenging Behaviors
Tips for Preventing Challenging Behaviors and Responding to Them Successfully
Early care and learning educators can use the following strategies and links to supplemental resources to BE PREVENTATIVE by reducing behavioral dysregulation and BE RESPONSIVE by being developmentally supportive when challenging nonverbal communication occurs.
Categories: Behavior, Early Childhood
Transition to Kindergarten Fact sheet_05182023_Spanish
Transición de los servicios de educación especial preescolar al kínder
La transición de los servicios de educación especial preescolar al kínder puede provocar muchas emociones en las familias y los estudiantes. Es común sentir emoción por el siguiente paso en la educación de su hijo, así como preocupación por lo que se avecina. La siguiente información le ayudará a entender cómo prepararse para la transición al kínder.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Spanish
Transición de servicios de intervención temprana a servicios de educación especial preescolar en Carolina del Norte
La transición desde los servicios de intervención temprana a los de educación especial preescolar puede generar sentimientos de entusiasmo e incertidumbre. A partir del segundo cumpleaños de su hijo, el equipo del Plan de Servicio Familiar Individualizado (IFSP), que le incluye a usted como padre/tutor, comenzará a desarrollar un plan para la transición de su hijo de los servicios de intervención temprana a los servicios de educación especial preescolar u otros servicios apropiados. El plan incluirá un calendario que trazará el proceso de transición. La Guía para padres sobre los programas de infantes, niños menores de tres años y en edad preescolar tiene mucha información que puede ayudarle a prepararse para esta transición. La siguiente tabla puede ayudar a todas las personas involucradas en esta transición a entender el proceso para que sea lo más fácil posible
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Spanish
Transition to Preschool 9-15-23
Transition from Early Intervention to Preschool Infographic
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
TransitionfromEarlyIntSEPreschool_FactSheet_05042023 (1)
Transition from Early Intervention to Special Education Preschool Services in North Carolina
The transition from Early Intervention to Preschool Special Education Services can create feelings of excitement and uncertainty. Starting around your child’s second birthday your child’s Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) team, which includes you as the parent/guardian, will begin to develop a plan for transitioning your child from Early Intervention services to Special Education Preschool Services or other appropriate services. The plan will include timelines that will map out the transition process. A Parent’s Guide to the Infant-Toddler and Preschool Programs has lots of information that can help you prepare for this transition. The table below may help everyone involved with this transition to understand the process so that it is as smooth as possible.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Transition to Kindergarten Fact sheet_05042023
Transition from Special Education Preschool Services to Kindergarten
The transition from Preschool Special Education Services to kindergarten can bring about many emotions for families and students. Feelings of excitement for the next step in your child’s education as well as worry for what lies ahead are common. The information below will help you understand how to prepare for the upcoming transition to kindergarten.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Transition to Kindergarten Fact sheet_05042023 (1)
Transition from Special Education Preschool Services to Kindergarten
The transition from Preschool Special Education Services to kindergarten can bring about many emotions for families and students. Feelings of excitement for the next step in your child’s education as well as worry for what lies ahead are common.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities - Disability Rights North Carolina
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
TTK 9-15-23 (1)
Transition to Kindergarten Infographic
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Transitions
Transporte gratuito de ida y vuelta paratus citas médicas cubiertas por Medicaid
Los servicios de transporte médico que no es de emergencia (NEMT por sus siglas en inglés) están cubiertos por tu Tailored Plan (Plan personalizado) de NC Medicaid.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Trastorno afectivo estacional
Trastorno Afectivo Estacional
Muchas personas pasan por períodos cortos en los que se sienten tristes o un poco diferentes de lo normal. A veces, estos cambios en el estado de ánimo comienzan y terminan cuando cambian las estaciones. Muchas personas se sienten “decaídas” cuando los días se acortan en el otoño y el invierno (que también se conoce como “tristeza invernal”) y se sienten mejor en la primavera, cuando vuelve a haber más horas de luz natural.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Trayendo el bebé a
Es muy emocionante prepararse para traer un nuevco baebsé aa ca sa. Ha estado planeando este día y por fin ha llegado. Puede que sea diferente a lo que esperaba; puede que se sienta preocupada, un poco nerviosa o incluso un poco asustada. Es totalmente natural. ¡Casi todos los nuevos padres se sienten así! Sabemos que es posible que tenga otras preocupaciones en mente. Aquí le ofrecemos una lista de preguntas y recursos que le ayudarán a organizarse y a sentirse más cómoda y confiada al volver a casa.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Spanish
Turning Rights Into Reality: How Guardianship and Alternatives Impact the Autonomy of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This report provides an in-depth examination of the unique challenges faced by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD), and how the use of alternatives such as supported decision-making may enable some individuals with ID/DD to exercise greater self-determination, participate more fully in their communities, and achieve greater economic self-sufficiency.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
image of guide featuring a photo of the NC general assembly office building
Understanding Legislative Advocacy for Children in North Carolina: A Guide to the General Assembly (NC Child)
Categories: Advocacy, Parent Leadership
Understanding Medicaid Fair Hearings
Understanding Medicaid Fair Hearings
This factsheet explains the federal rules for Medicaid fair hearings (also referred to as an “appeal”) related to eligibility determinations that apply to all states and identifies areas where state practices may vary.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Autism Cartoon - English
Understanding the Spectrum - a Comic Strip Explanation
Categories: Advocacy, Autism, Special Healthcare Needs
image of the first page of the vision statement worksheet
Vision Statement Worksheet Action Step #2
This worksheet will help youth craft a vision statement about what they want for their life after high school!
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Visual Impairment fact sheet—resource thumbnail
Visual Impairment and Blindness Fact Sheet
Being able to see gives us tremendous access to learning about the world around us. When a child has a visual impairment, it is cause for immediate attention...
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Heading to High School Choosing a Course of Study
WAZE to Adulthood - Heading to High School: Choosing a Course of Study
Learn about choosing a high school course of study!
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Lifes a Journey Learn More! Do More! Be More
WAZE to Adulthood - Life's a Journey: Learn More! Do More! Be More!
Learn about career exploration and training in high school, as well as postsecondary education and training!
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Decision-Making Options North Carolina
WAZE to Adulthood: Decision-Making Options
Turning 18 is a big deal. Your child becomes an adult at 18 and all the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood transfer to them. This includes the authority to make decisions for themselves. This is a good thing. It is the gateway to adult life. But it can also be a scary time if you and/or your child believe they are not ready or able to make their own decisions. Thankfully, there are options available.
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
NC High School Graduation Requirements
WAZE to Adulthood: NC High School Graduation Requirements
Learn about graduation requirements!
Categories: General, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Secondary Transition in North Carolina
WAZE to Adulthood: Secondary Transition in North Carolina
Learn about transition planning and services in North Carolina!
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
WAZE to Adulthood: Ways to Support Your Adult Child
Check out these resources and tips for supporting adult children!
Categories: Transition to Adulthood
What Can Tailored Care Management Do for Me
What Can Tailored Care Management Do For Me?
Care Management is a choice. If you choose care management, you will have a care management team to help you plan medical care and coordinate supports and services in your life.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
first page of NC DPI's What is MTSS? resource
What is NC MTSS?
NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework that promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices as well as Social and Emotional Learning(SEL). NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all.
Categories: Learning Disability, MTSS, Special Education
PBIS—resource thumbnail
What is Positive Behavior Interventions (or Instructions) and Supports (PBIS)?
PBIS is both a person centered and research based approach to behavior that focuses on teaching the behaviors we want to see—in school, at home and in the community...
Categories: Behavior
Welcome to NC ITP!_05042023 (1)
What is the NC Infant Toddler Program?
The North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program (ITP) provides support and services for the development of infants and toddlers with special needs or developmental delays up to age 3, and their families. Children’s Developmental Services Agencies (CDSA) coordinate these services locally to increase your child’s potential for growth and development
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Welcome to NC ITP!_05042023
What is the NC Infant-Toddler Program?
The North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program (ITP) provides support and services for the development of infants and toddlers with special needs or developmental delays up to age 3, and their families. Children’s Developmental Services Agencies (CDSA) coordinate these services locally to increase your child’s potential for growth and development. Early intervention services not only help increase the families’ abilities to support their child’s needs from an early age but also makes it more likely that your child will reach their highest potential!
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
What's Next: College? - Work Together NC
A Guided Exploration of NC Post-Secondary Education Options for Students with Disabilities
Categories: Transitions, Transition-age Youth
Working with Early Intervention Providers: Communication Tips for Building Relationships
Infants and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays who receive early intervention services tend to develop and learn better than those without the services. There are a number of providers who will work together to provide early intervention to your child.
Categories: Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Image of Paren Checklist, Working With Your Child's Teachers
Working with your Child's Teachers
It is important to have a positive relationship with your child’s teacher. Effective and positive communication is key in building a partnership to help your child succeed...
Categories: General, Family Engagement, Advocacy
YEP July 2022
YEP July 2022
Check out the July edition of YEP (Young Exceptional Perspectives)!
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP October 2022
YEP Newsletter October 2022
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP April 2022
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives April 2022
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP April 2023 (1)
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives April 2023
A Quarterly Newsletter by NC Exceptional Youth for NC Exceptional Youth
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP January 2022 updated
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives January 2022
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP January 2023
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives January 2023
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP July 2023 (5)
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives July 2023
Categories: Transition-age Youth
Design with circles that spell YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives October 2020
YEP YOUNG EXCEPTIONAL PERSPECTIVES A Quarterly Publication Produced BY & FOR NC Youth with Disabilities (October 2020)
Categories: Advocacy, Inclusion, Transitions, Transition-age Youth
YEP October 2023 (1)
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives October 2023
Categories: Transition-age Youth
Yesterday vs. Today—resource thumbnail
Yesterday vs. Today Behavior
Comparison of yesterday's traditional behavior management and today's positive behavior support...
Categories: Behavior
Your Student Has a Bleeding Disorder...Now What?
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Youth Advisory Team Application
ECAC recognizes the power and value of the voice and ideas of young people. ECAC has launched a Youth Advisory Team (YAT) to help us design projects, programs, and resources that are created for youth, by youth. ECAC will work in partnership with the group to coordinate opportunities and trainings that support the interests and personal development of the YAT members
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth

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