Developmental Concerns Infographic
If you have any worries or concerns about how your child moves, acts, speaks, plays, or their overall development, it’s important to share this information with your child’s doctor.
Categories: Development Delay, Early Childhood, Early Intervention

Developmental Delay (DD) Fact Sheet
Think of all the skills that children have to learn when they come into the world. We expect these skills to emerge naturally over time and know more or less when they should...
Categories: Development Delay, Early Childhood, Early Intervention

NC Early Intervention Infant Toddler Program Brochure (Spanish)
The Be Early Brochure provides basic information about the Infant Toddler Program and what to do if there are concerns about a child's development. Also includes a checklist of developmental milestones for the first year of life
Categories: Development Delay, Spanish, Early Intervention

NC Early Intervention Infant Toddler Program Infographic (English)
The Infant-Toddler Program provides support and services for the development of infants and toddlers with special need or developmental delays up to age 3 and their families. This service and support is known as the Early Intervention program.
Categories: Development Delay, Early Childhood, Early Intervention

NC Infant-Toddler Program Developmental Milestones
The Milestones Chart helps parents determine whether their child is meeting developmental milestones during the first three years.
Categories: Development Delay, Early Childhood, Early Intervention, Speech and Language

NC Infant-Toddler Program Developmental Milestones (Spanish)
The NCITP Milestones Chart helps parents determine whether their child is meeting developmental milestones during the first three years.
Categories: Development Delay, Speech and Language, Spanish, Early Intervention