Empowering families, improving lives...everyday

Meet our Team

Get to know our dedicated and friendly team members—committed to empowering families and improving lives!

Jill Brown
Jill Brown
Accounting Assistant
Image of Doreen Byrd
Doreen Byrd
Lead Parent Educator
Aimee Combs
Executive Director
Brittany Cutshaw
NC DeafBlind Project Lead, Co-Director NC DeafBlind Project, Parent Educator
Kim Eroh
Kim Eroh
ACHIEVE Transition Coach
Nancy Giurato
Nancy Giurato
Bilingual Parent Educator, DeafBlind Family Engagement Coordinator
Brad Hunt
ACHIEVE Transition Coach
Carolina Hunter
Parent Educator
Paula Hutchison
Multicultural Outreach/Administrative Assistant
image of Jana Krantz
Jana Kranz
Business Manager
headshot of Karen Laughlin
Karen Laughlin
Parent Educator, Southeastern Region
Image of Terri Layton
Terri Leyton
Co-Director Region B Parent Technical Assistance Center (RPTAC)
Triahnna Miles
Parent Educator
Image of Karyn Mongtague
Karyn Montague
NC SIP Program Lead
Website Photo - Christy Moore 01
Christy Moore
Family to Family (F2F) Health Information Center Program Lead
Anastacia Newton
Parent Educator
Millie Ramos
Bi-lingual Parent Educator
image of Beverly Roberts
Beverly Roberts
Family Engagement Manager
Picture of Mandy Sonnenberg
Mandy Sonnenberg
PTI Manager
Image of Toni Stephens
Toni Stephens
Workshop Coordinator and PTI Administrative Assistant
Image of Cheryl Strupe
Cheryl Strupe
Data and Production Manager
Beth Voll
ACHIEVE Pre-ETS Program Manager
Image of Denise Weir
Denise Weir
Human Resources Manager
Andrea Young
Parent Educator, Communications Lead