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NC DeafBlind Project

Intervener_Services_IEP_Team_Discussion_Guide_es_a (1)
¿Son adecuados los servicios de un interventor para su alumno sordo-ciego?
El propósito de esta guía de discusión es ayudar a los equipos del IEP (plan educativo individualizado) a tomar decisiones informadas sobre si los servicios de un interventor son apropiados para un estudiante en particular.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
An Overview of Deafblindness - NCDB
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Are Intervener Services Appropriate for Your Student Who is DeafBlind?
The purpose of this discussion guide is to help IEP teams make informed decisions about whether intervener services are appropriate for a particular student.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Deaf-blindness—resource thumbnail
Deaf-Blindness Fact Sheet
A person who is deaf-blind has a unique experience of the world. For people who can see and hear, the world extends outward as far as his or her eyes and ears can reach. For the young child...
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
DeafBlind Intervener Technical Assistance Package
DeafBlind Intervener - NC DPI
DeafBlind Intervener Technical Assistance Package. What is an Intervener and is one right for your student?
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
DSB Transition Services (Web Ready Spanish)
División de Servicios para Personas Ciegas - Servicios de Transición para Jóvenes
Para jóvenes con discapacidad documentada, la Division de Servicios para Personas Ciegas (DSB) ofrece una variedad de servicios individualizados que ayudan a preparar y alcanzar metas para empleo integrado competitivo y una vida más independiente.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB PreEmployment Transition Services (Web Ready Spanish)
División de Servicios para Personas Ciegas - Servicios de Transición Pre-empleo
La División de Servicios para Ciegos (DSB) se asocia con estudiantes, familias, escuelas y otros proveedores de servicios para ofrecer a estudiantes un comienzo temprano en la exploración profesional y la preparación para la vida después de la escuela secundaria.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB Transition Services (Web Ready English)
Division of Services for the Blind - Transition Services for Youth
For youth with a documented disability, the Division of Services for the Blind (DSB) provides a variety of individualized services that help them prepare for and achieve goals for competitive integrated employment and more independent living.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB PreEmployment Transition Services (Web Ready English) (002)
Division of Services for the Blind: Pre-Employment Transition Services
The Division of Services for the Blind (DSB) partners with students, families, schools and other service providers to give students an early start at career exploration and preparation for life after high school.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
ECAC Supports Families of Children with DeafBlindness
How Can ECAC Support NC Families of Children with DeafBlindness?
Individualized support is available to families of children with DeafBlindness from birth through 21 years of age.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Intervener Overview Factsheet 2023.docx
Intervener Overview Factsheet 2023 - NC DPI
Intervener Services for Students Who Are DeafBlind.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Intervener Role Comparison Guidance.docx
Intervener Role Comparison Guidance - NC DPI
This document provides the various roles and responsibilities of some of the professionals who may support students with DeafBlindness.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Myths and Facts - Assistive Technology Spanish
Este documento está diseñado para comprender mejor los requisitos de la tecnología de asistencia (assistive technology, AT) de la Ley de Educación para Personas con Discapacidades (IDEA), disipar conceptos erróneos comunes con respecto a la AT, proporcionar ejemplos del uso de los dispositivos y servicios de la AT para niños con discapacidades y resaltar los diferentes requisitos bajo la Parte C y la Parte B de IDEA
Categories: Assistive Technology, NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish
Myths and Facts - Assistive Technology
Myths & Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology
This document is designed to increase understanding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s (IDEA’s) assistive technology (AT) requirements, dispel common misconceptions regarding AT, and provide examples of the use of AT devices and services for children with disabilities and to highlight the different requirements under Part C and Part B of IDEA.1
Categories: Assistive Technology, NC Deaf-Blind Project
NCDBP Resource FLYER for website
North Carolina Deaf-Blind Project Resources
A collection of state and national resources for deaf-blind families and professionals.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
North Carolina DeafBlind Project Fact Card
The NCDBP is a project of the NC Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children Division through funding from the U.S. Department of Education - Office of Special Education Programs.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Overview of Deafblindness
Overview of Deafblindness
In this factsheet you will learn what deafblindness is, how many children are affected, and how children who are deafblind communicate.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Overview of Deafblindness - Spanish
Panorama General De La Sordoceguera
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish
Proyecto de Sordo-Ciegos de Carolina del Norte - Tarjeta Informativa
El NCDBP es un proyecto de la División de Niños Excepcionales del Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Carolina del Norte mediante financiación del Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. - Oficina de Programas de Educación Especial.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish
ECATS Tip Sheet Parent Counseling and Training (1)
Related Service: Parent Counseling and Training
This tip sheet is designed to support IEP teams in the documentation of Parent Counseling and Training within the IEP.
Categories: IEP, NC Deaf-Blind Project, Special Education
Intervention as a RS or SAS.docx - Google Docs
Tip Sheet: DeafBlind Intervener Services
The purpose of this Tip Sheet is to: clarify that services from a DeafBlind Intervener can be either a related service and/or supplementary aids and services used to address a child’s unique needs; provide essential questions to support individualized education program teams in addressing all the child’s unique needs in a total school environment; and, provide other technical assistance resources on this topic.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project
Visual Impairment fact sheet—resource thumbnail
Visual Impairment and Blindness Fact Sheet
Being able to see gives us tremendous access to learning about the world around us. When a child has a visual impairment, it is cause for immediate attention...
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project