Dyslexia Tool Kit
Our goal: To provide support to you in understanding dyslexia and how your child can get the resources they may need.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Literacy, MTSS

Dyslexia Topic Brief
This Topic Brief by the NC Department of Public Instruction's Exceptional Children Division addresses the common myths about dyslexia in NC Schools.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Special Education

Evaluación e identificación de discapacidades específicas del aprendizaje en Carolina del Norte
Categories: Learning Disability, Spanish

MTSS: What is Support?
This document outlines the three areas under which schools implementing an MTSS Framework should implement supports.
Categories: Learning Disability, MTSS, Special Education

Parent's Guide to Dyslexia
This resource walks parents through the signs and impacts of dyslexia, how children can be evaluated for dyslexia and ways that parent's and teachers can help children once they are diagnosed with dyslexia.
Categories: Communication, Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Special Education

Preguntas que los padres pueden hacer...Acerca de la Dislexia y Cómo Mejorar la Lectura
La dislexia es una discapacidad de aprendizaje que afecta las habilidades de lenguaje como la lectura, la ortografía y la escritura. Si su hijo tiene dificultad para leer y usted sospecha que tiene dislexia, entonces usted necesita información específica sobre cómo apoyar el progreso de lectura de su hijo y lo que significa tener dislexia. Las siguientes preguntas lo ayudarán a recopilar la información que necesita cuando asista a una conferencia de padres/ maestros o participe en una reunión de IEP (Programa de Educación Individualizado). Use el espacio proporcionado para escribir las respuestas de los maestros, especialistas de educación o del equipo de apoyo de su hijo. Seleccione y conteste las preguntas que se relacionan con su hijo.
Categories: Learning Disability, Literacy, Spanish

Questions Parents Can Ask about Reading Improvement and Dyslexia
This worksheet will help you gather the specific information you need if your child struggles with reading and you suspect dyslexia.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Literacy, Special Education

Resumen sobre el Tema de la Dislexia
El propósito de este documento es brindar a las partes interesadas información acerca de la evaluación, identificación y educación de alumnos con dislexia en las escuelas públicas de Carolina del Norte.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Spanish, Special Education

SLD Resources Quick Reference
Learn about where to find SLD resources.
Categories: Learning Disability

Specific Learning Disability Evaluation and Identification in North Carolina Fact Sheet
This document is intended to answer some questions that a parent/guardian might have about Specific Learning Disability, the identification process, and what this means for the parent and their child.
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Learning Disability, Special Education

What is NC MTSS?
NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework that promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices as well as Social and Emotional Learning(SEL). NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all.
Categories: Learning Disability, MTSS, Special Education