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Tools and Information

Conflict / Dispute Resolution

Image of children reading with text that says A Parents’ Guide to Special Education in North Carolina
A Parents’ Guide to Special Education in North Carolina
The focus of this Parent Guide from Children’s Law Clinic -Duke Law School, is the federal special education law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that promises each child with a disability a “free, appropriate, public education.”
Categories: General, Communication, IEP, Conflict Resolution, Special Education
image of parents rights handbook in spanish
La ley IDEA exige que las escuelas entreguen a los padres de un alumno con discapacidad un aviso que incluya una explicación detallada de las Salvaguardias procesales (derechos legales) disponibles en virtud de la IDEA y de las regulaciones federales complementarias. Es fundamental que los padres de familia comprendan tanto sus derechos como sus responsabilidades en el proceso de educación especial.
Categories: Conflict Resolution, IDEA, Parent Rights, Spanish
image of dispute resolution brochure
Dispute Resolution Brochure - NCDPI Exceptional Children Division
When there is an unresolved disagreement over identification, evaluation or educational placement of a child with a disability or the provision of free appropriate public education, families have informal and formal options for dispute resolution. This brochure provides information on IEP Facilitation, mediation, formal written complaint, and due process hearings,
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution
image of NCDPI website
Dispute Resolution Consultants - NCDPI EC Division
The consultants for dispute resolution (disagreements) work with parents, traditional local educational agencies, charter schools, state operated programs and other individuals to resolve disputes. They provide information about facilitated IEP meetings, mediation, formal written complaints and due process hearings. They also investigate formal written complaints.
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution
first page of EI DR process comparison chart
Early Intervention Dispute Resolution Process Comparison Chart
This easy to use comparison chart looks at dispute resolution processes from a variety of perspectives.
Categories: Conflict Resolution, Early Intervention, Parent Rights
image of CADRE website
IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides - CADRE
5 Quick Guides for Parents of Children & Youth
Categories: Conflict Resolution, IDEA
image of parent handbook
Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education: NC Notice of Procedural Safeguards
It is important that you understand the Procedural Safeguards (legal rights) provided for you and your child with a disability. In this document from NCDPI, you will find a new section in more user-friendly language that summarizes the rights and responsibilities of parents in the special education process. Acronyms and terms often used in special education and resources for parents are found in the appendices.
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution, IDEA, Parent Rights
Resource thumbnail - quick guide to special education dispute resolution
Quick Guide to Special Education Dispute Resolution Processes for Parents of Children & Youth (Ages 3-21)
IEP facilitation, mediation, resolution meeting, written state compliance, due process complaint, and hearing request
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution, Special Education
image of spanish dispute resolution brochure
RESOLUCIÓN DE DISPUTAS - División de Niños Excepcionales
Categories: Conflict Resolution, Spanish
First page of Steps to Success document in spanish.
Steps to Success - Spanish
Pasos hacia el Éxito: Comunicación con la escuela de su hijo
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution, Spanish
Resource thumbnail: Steps to Success—Communicating with Your Child's School
Steps to Success: Communicating with your Child's School
If you have a child who is receiving special education services, you’re more than likely to be very involved with your child’s school and teachers — including planning, reviewing, and assessing your child’s educational program...
Categories: General, Communication, Family Engagement, Advocacy, Conflict Resolution
Talk Tools 2024
Talk Tools
Talk Tools features helpful questions to use in conversations and meetings about your child—including behaviors, accommodations, modifications, support strategies, classroom situations, teaching methods, or a child's response to these.
Categories: Advocacy, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Family Engagement, General, IEP