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2023 Month of Military Child Calandar (1)_Page_1
2023 Month of Military Child Activities & Resources for Families
Categories: Family Engagement, Military
Air-Force-Assistance-Fund-AFAF-2022-Brochure (1)
Air Force Assistance Fund
The Air Force Assistance Fund provides support to Air Force families in need (active duty, retirees, reservists, guard and dependents, including surviving spouses). They can help with emergency needs, educational assistanceand family support...and provide comfort and dignity to Air Force and Space Force widows and widowers.
Categories: Military
Army Emergency Relief AER - Home School and Remote Education Assistance Program
Army Emergency Relief provides assistance to soldiers for costs associated with home school and remote education.
Categories: Military
EFMP Exceptional Family Member Program
EFMP: Exceptional Family Member Program
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program that works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, educational, medical, and personnel services to Families with special needs.
Categories: Military, Special Education
MIC3 Guide for Parents, School Officials and Public Administrators
Military families move between postings on a regular basis, and while reassignments can often be a boon for career personnel, they can be difficult for the children of military families. The average military student faces transition challenges more than twice during high school and most military children will attend six to nine different schools in their lives from Kindergarten to 12th grade. The Compact seeks to make transition easier for the children of military families, so they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children, and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals.
Categories: Military
Military Child Education Coalition - Back to School Toolkit
Planning for the coming year can be overwhelming, especially for military families with multiple children in various grades or after a PCS move. MCEC dove into many resources to provide you with tips and tricks to help you make the school year a success!
Categories: Military
Month of the Military Child Newsletter to OSEP PO
Month of the Military Child Newsletter
ECAC joins the Department of Defense and the military community in celebrating April as the Month of the Military Child with this special edition newsletter highlighting NC Military Children with disabilities and special health care needs and their families.
Categories: Military
Month of the Military Child Special Edition Newsletter
Month of the Military Child Special Edition Newsletter
Learn about Month of the Military Child activities and events!
Categories: Military
Serving North Carolina Military Families with Children with Disabilities and Special Healthcare Needs
As a parent or caregiver of a child with special needs, finding resources is not always easy, especially in moments when you need them the most. It can be even more difficult for military families to locate and identify resources to meet their child’s special healthcare or educational needs. At ECAC, we know that deployment and frequent moves can present additional challenges assessing services and navigating systems
Categories: Military