A Parent's Guide: Communicating With Your Child's School Through Letter Writing
Resource document by the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities that provides special education basics, tips for letter writing and sample letters to help parent's better communicate with their child's school.
Categories: 504, Advocacy, Communication, Family Engagement, IEP, Parent Rights, Special Education
A Parents’ Guide to Special Education in North Carolina
The focus of this Parent Guide from Children’s Law Clinic -Duke Law School, is the federal special education law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that promises each child with a disability a “free, appropriate, public education.”
Categories: General, Communication, IEP, Conflict Resolution, Special Education
A Step by Step Process to Creating Standards based IEPs
Before developing IEPs, all IEP team members, including parents, should become familiar with the general education curriculum, including the state’s academic content standards and the state testing program. In order to make informed decisions about appropriate annual goals, supports and special education needs, the IEP team should consider how your child is performing as compared to the state’s academic content standards for the grade that your child is in.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
About ECAC
About ECAC - What We Believe and What we Do and Do Not Do
Categories: General, Special Education
Accommodations to Consider for Students with Problems in Organization
Note the student’s response to transition between activities. Is s/he disoriented, distracted, or overwhelmed visually or auditorally when moving or preparing for new activity? Is s/he agitated or anxious during the change? If so, consider these questions in addressing this difficulty.
Categories: 504, Accommodations, IEP, Special Education
Comunicándose con la Escuela a través de Cartas
Categories: Communication, Spanish, Special Education
Dyslexia Topic Brief
This Topic Brief by the NC Department of Public Instruction's Exceptional Children Division addresses the common myths about dyslexia in NC Schools.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Special Education
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Spanish, Special Education
Guía para padres sobre la educación especial en Carolina del Norte
La Guía se centra en la ley federal de educación especial conocida como Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA, por sus siglas en inglés), que garantiza a todos los niños con discapacidades una "educación pública, gratuita y apropiada".
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Spanish, Special Education
IEP Checklist
Check out these tips to prepare for your next IEP meeting!
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Special Education
IEP MAPA DE LA TRAVESÍA - Para las familias
IEP MAPA DE LA TRAVESÍA - Para las familias
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
IEP Notebook/IEP Cuaderno
IEP Cuaderno Su participación en el desarrollo de un Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP por sus siglas en inglés) que sea efectivo y adecuado es esencial para el éxito de su hijo(a). Aunque el típico IEP normalmente cubre un período de 12 meses, cada IEP ayuda a consolidar la base para el futuro en la vida de su hijo. Piense en el adulto en el que su hijo se convertirá. Al planear, piense más allá de estos doce meses por venir. Considere su participación como un proceso de tres pasos.
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
IEP Road Map for Families
A guide featuring the North Carolina IEP forms and useful tips for parents along the way.
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood
If Student has Difficulty….Then Try This!
A great tool full of suggested accommodations for specific areas of difficulty.
Categories: 504, Accommodations, IEP, Special Education
Infused Skills Grid
Like all students, students who experience disabilities need to learn many types of ‘skills’ in school. These include: habits of mind, basic academic skills, other content areas and functional skills.
Categories: Accommodations, IEP, Special Education
Intellectual Disability (ID) Fact Sheet
Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communication, self-care, and social skills...
Categories: General, Special Education
Lista de Verificación del IEP
Lista de verificación del Programa de Educación Individualizado.
Categories: Communication, IEP, Spanish, Special Education
MTSS: What is Support?
This document outlines the three areas under which schools implementing an MTSS Framework should implement supports.
Categories: Learning Disability, MTSS, Special Education
Out from the Shadows
Learn about informal removal of children with disabilities from public schools.
Categories: Behavior, Special Education
Painting the Big Picture
Painting the BIG Picture! This worksheet has been created as a way for any adult to help “paint the big picture” of a child they care about and know well. The worksheet guides each writer to describe the child and to provide “tips” on what works best. The tips allow you to make a connection between what YOU know and what others can do to help him/her to be successful.
Categories: Advocacy, Communication, General, Special Education
Parent's Guide to Dyslexia
This resource walks parents through the signs and impacts of dyslexia, how children can be evaluated for dyslexia and ways that parent's and teachers can help children once they are diagnosed with dyslexia.
Categories: Communication, Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Special Education
Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities - March 2021
Policies written by the NC Department of Public Instruction outlining how NC schools will implement NC Special Education Law which is based on IDEA.
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Special Education
Questions Parents Can Ask about Reading Improvement and Dyslexia
This worksheet will help you gather the specific information you need if your child struggles with reading and you suspect dyslexia.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Literacy, Special Education
Quick Guide to Special Education Dispute Resolution Processes for Parents of Children & Youth (Ages 3-21)
IEP facilitation, mediation, resolution meeting, written state compliance, due process complaint, and hearing request
Categories: Communication, Conflict Resolution, Special Education
Regreso a la Escuela
Una Guía de Planificación para las Familias de Carolina del Norte con Estudiantes con Discapacidad
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education, Remote Learning
Resumen sobre el Tema de la Dislexia
El propósito de este documento es brindar a las partes interesadas información acerca de la evaluación, identificación y educación de alumnos con dislexia en las escuelas públicas de Carolina del Norte.
Categories: Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Spanish, Special Education
Return to School Planning Guide
A Planning Guide for North Carolina Families Who Have a Student with a Disability
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Remote Learning
Sample Accommodations
This document provides Environmental, Behavioral, Organizational Strategies and more!
Categories: 504, Accommodations, IEP, Special Education
Schools and Medicaid - Information and Answers for Families
Categories: Special Education, Special Healthcare Needs
Specific Learning Disability Evaluation and Identification in North Carolina Fact Sheet
This document is intended to answer some questions that a parent/guardian might have about Specific Learning Disability, the identification process, and what this means for the parent and their child.
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Learning Disability, Special Education
Student Led IEP Request
This fillable document helps students with disabilities request a leadership role in their next IEP meeting and to specify which parts of the IEP meeting they would like to lead.
Categories: Communication, IEP, Special Education, Transition-age Youth
WAZE to Adulthood - Heading to High School: Choosing a Course of Study
Learn about choosing a high school course of study!
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
WAZE to Adulthood: Secondary Transition in North Carolina
Learn about transition planning and services in North Carolina!
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
What is NC MTSS?
NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework that promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices as well as Social and Emotional Learning(SEL). NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all.
Categories: Learning Disability, MTSS, Special Education