Empowering families, improving lives...everyday
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How can I donate or get involved with ECAC?


There are a multitude of ways! Visit our Donate page to find out how.


Where does ECAC get their funding?


We receive most of our funding from state and federal grants. There are nominal fees associated with some trainings we provide to professionals. And of course, donations, from people like you, are a vital part of ECAC’s funding! It takes a community! You can make a secure online donation to ECAC by donating now.


Does ECAC serve all of the United States?


No. ECAC serves families living in the State of North Carolina. We may be able to provide support to military families transitioning in or out of North Carolina; or to families traveling outside the state for reasons related to their child’s care. If you do not live in North Carolina and you have a child with special needs you can go to www.parentcenterhub.org to find the parent center in your state.


Does ECAC only serve children/youth with specific disabilities?


ECAC’s mission is to improve the education outcomes for ALL children. We do have a special emphasis on children with disabilities or special health care needs. A diagnosis is not necessary to receive services.


Does ECAC serve families outside of Charlotte?


Yes. We serve families statewide. We have regional Parent Educators in Asheville, Davidson, Raleigh, and Wilmington. We also travel to various locations throughout North Carolina.


What is ECAC’s mailing address and telephone number?


Our address is 907 Barra Row, Davidson North Carolina 28036. We can be reached at (800) 962-6817.


When is ECAC open?


Monday–Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. ECAC is closed on major holidays.


Where is ECAC’s office located?


ECAC’s main office is located at 907 Barra Row in Davidson, NC. However, we also have an office in Raleigh located at 4601 Lake Boone Trail. We also have Parent Educators based out of Asheville and Wilmington.


Can ECAC help me with respite?


Currently ECAC does not have the funds to provide respite. However, we are happy to help you explore other community resources. Our goal is to get you connected to the services your family needs.


Does ECAC Offer legal advice?


No. If you need legal advice pertaining to a person with special needs contact Disability Rights North Carolina. Learn more at https://disabilityrightsnc.org/


Do I need an appointment to see an ECAC Parent Educator?


While we do welcome walk-ins at our Davidson office, there is a possibility that a Parent Educator will not be available at that time. It is usually best to call (800) 962-6817 and ask to speak with Parent Educator before making the trip to our office.


Does ECAC charge for services?


No. ECAC does not charge North Carolina families for any services. There may be fees associated with professional services.


Can an ECAC Parent Educator attend an IEP meeting with me?


Yes. ECAC can help you prepare and support your advocacy efforts during an IEP Meeting. However, with limited staff and 100 counties to cover, we can’t attend every IEP meeting requested of us. Talk to a Parent Educator to see if we might able to join you.


Will ECAC keep my information private?


Yes! ECAC takes confidentiality very seriously. Unless required by law, we will not share any of your information with anyone else at any time without your written consent.


What kind of services does ECAC offer?


ECAC is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the educational outcomes of all children with a special focus on families raising children with disabilities and special health care needs. Check our programs and services page for a full list of our services.


Why don’t all ECAC workshops allow participation by teleconference?


Most of our workshops are available via webinar. A few courses don’t “translate” well over the phone because of the hands-on materials presented. Please let us know if there is a training you are interested in but cannot attend. We may be able to provide that training when we are in your area.


Do you have childcare during trainings?


Unfortunately, we are unable to provide childcare at this time.


Is there a cost for ECAC workshops?


Workshops/trainings at ECAC are free of for families. Some professional trainings do have fees associated with them.


Can I follow ECAC on Facebook or Twitter?


Ummmm….Yes! Stay connected and up to date with happenings in our state!

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Does ECAC have a list of endorsed or recommended service providers?


No. ECAC does not endorse any particular service providers.


What kind of materials will I get if I sign up for the mailing list?


You will receive the quarterly newsletter full of news and information on workshops that are helpful to parents, educators, and the professionals who care for children with special needs.