Empowering families, improving lives...everyday

Tools and Information


Image of NICHY Parent's Guide to Communicating With Your Child's School Through Letter Writing first page
A Parent's Guide: Communicating With Your Child's School Through Letter Writing
Resource document by the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities that provides special education basics, tips for letter writing and sample letters to help parent's better communicate with their child's school.
Categories: 504, Advocacy, Communication, Family Engagement, IEP, Parent Rights, Special Education
image of teacher reading to young boy
Adaptations and Modifications
Adaptations and modifications that can be used in the general curriculum, including volume of work, time, support, difficulty, participation, and more.
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Inclusion
image of All About Advocates document
All About Advocates
Good special education services are intensive and expensive. Resources are limited. If you have a child with special needs, you will likely need to utilize...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, IEP
image of the Circle of Support Action Step 1 worksheet
Circle of Support - Action Step 1
When making choices or setting goals, it can be helpful to know whom you can count on. Different people maybe helpful in different situations. Use this worksheet to write down the names of people who you know that you can ask for support or help.
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Resource thumbnail - Five Steps Best Advocate
Five Steps to Becoming Your Infant or Toddler's Best Advocate
Start by knowing you are an equal partner in your infant or toddler’s development, medical care and education!
Categories: Advocacy, Early Childhood, Early Intervention
Helpful IEP Questions
Helpful IEP Questions
Questions that may assist the team to establish a review of IEP goals and objectives
Categories: Advocacy, IEP
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IEP Checklist
Check out these tips to prepare for your next IEP meeting!
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Special Education
North Carolina's Got Talent! Application
YEP's NCGT column is here to put a spotlight on the many talents and abilities of NC Youth & Young Adults with Disabilities ages 5 to 26. The format of submissions can be a poem, artwork, blog, video, song, essay, article, presentation, an "About me" article, you name it. ECAC's Youth Advisory Team will review the submissions and choose which ones to feature in our next newsletter. Selected entries will receive a $25 Visa gift card in the mail!
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Painting the Big Picture
Painting the BIG Picture! This worksheet has been created as a way for any adult to help “paint the big picture” of a child they care about and know well. The worksheet guides each writer to describe the child and to provide “tips” on what works best. The tips allow you to make a connection between what YOU know and what others can do to help him/her to be successful.
Categories: Advocacy, Communication, General, Special Education
Image of the Post Secondary Goal Action Step 3 worksheet
Post-Secondary Goal Action Step 3
A tool to help youth create goals in the areas of Training/Education, Employment and Independent Living as part of their Transition to Adulthood.
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Resource thumbnail - Questions parents can ask about math
Questions Parents Can Ask about Math Instruction
When your child struggles in math, you need specific information to help you encourage and support your child as they develop and build their math skills...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, IEP
Resource thumbnail - Questions parents can ask - reading
Questions Parents Can Ask about Reading Improvement
When you are the parent of a child who struggles with reading, you need specific information to support your child’s reading progress. Whether attending a parent/teacher conference, participating in writing the IEP (Individualized Education Program), or working with your child at home, use the questions that relate to your child to gather the information you need...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, Literacy, IEP
Resource thumbnail - Questions parents can ask about reading - Spanish
Questions Parents Can Ask about Reading Improvement (Spanish)
􀁕reguntas que los padres pueden hacer… Recuerde: Siempre pida una explicación de todo lo que no entendió. Si usted es el padre de un niño al que se le dificulta la lectura, usted necesita información específica para apoyar el progreso de su hijo. Ya sea que asista a las conferencias entre padres y maestros...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, Literacy, IEP, Spanish
Resource thumbnail - questions about spelling, writing, and testing—Spanish
Questions Parents Can Ask about Spelling, Writing, and Testing (Spanish)
Cuando a un niño se le dificulta la lectura, con frecuencia también se le dificulta la ortografía, escritura y las evaluaciones/exámenes...
Categories: Family Engagement, Advocacy, IEP, Spanish
Resource thumbnail: Steps to Success—Communicating with Your Child's School
Steps to Success: Communicating with your Child's School
If you have a child who is receiving special education services, you’re more than likely to be very involved with your child’s school and teachers — including planning, reviewing, and assessing your child’s educational program...
Categories: General, Communication, Family Engagement, Advocacy, Conflict Resolution
Student Dream Sheet
Student Dream Sheet
Transition is a journey, begin NOW to plan for the trip. The Student Dream Sheet can help students set goals and share their interests and preferences.
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Transitions, Transition-age Youth, Transition to Adulthood
Talk Tools 2024
Talk Tools
Talk Tools features helpful questions to use in conversations and meetings about your child—including behaviors, accommodations, modifications, support strategies, classroom situations, teaching methods, or a child's response to these.
Categories: Advocacy, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Family Engagement, General, IEP
Terms to Know—resource thumbnail
Terms to Know
Related terms including FAPE, IEP, LRE, accommodation, FBA, and others...
Categories: General, Advocacy, IEP
image of guide featuring a photo of the NC general assembly office building
Understanding Legislative Advocacy for Children in North Carolina: A Guide to the General Assembly (NC Child)
Categories: Advocacy, Parent Leadership
Autism Cartoon - English
Understanding the Spectrum - a Comic Strip Explanation
Categories: Advocacy, Autism, Special Healthcare Needs
image of the first page of the vision statement worksheet
Vision Statement Worksheet Action Step #2
This worksheet will help youth craft a vision statement about what they want for their life after high school!
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Image of Paren Checklist, Working With Your Child's Teachers
Working with your Child's Teachers
It is important to have a positive relationship with your child’s teacher. Effective and positive communication is key in building a partnership to help your child succeed...
Categories: General, Family Engagement, Advocacy
YEP January 2022 updated
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives January 2022
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Design with circles that spell YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives October 2020
YEP YOUNG EXCEPTIONAL PERSPECTIVES A Quarterly Publication Produced BY & FOR NC Youth with Disabilities (October 2020)
Categories: Advocacy, Inclusion, Transitions, Transition-age Youth