Empowering families, improving lives...everyday

Tools and Information

Transition to Adulthood

Life’s a Journey: Learn More! Do More! Be More!

ACHIEVE Pre-ETS-Consent-to-Participate
ACHIEVE -Pre-ETS Consent to Participate Form - for parents
This form must be completed to be considered for Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) for students who are not already served by NCDVR with an approved Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE).
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
ACHIEVE flyer for school and EIPD staff
Achieve Transition Program Flyer for Schools and EIPD Staff
ECAC is excited to offer our ACHIEVE Transition Program: Advancing Confidence, Higher Independence, Employment and Vocational Education. (Formerly known as the STAR program, we have introduced a new name and look for the 2024-2025 school year!)
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
ACHIEVE parent and student flyer 8.24
ACHIEVE-Pre-ETS Program Flyer for Parents & Students
ACHIEVE is a statewide, virtual Pre-ETS program designed for students with disabilities, ages 14 to 21. This program is available to those enrolled in an educational program who are eligible or potentially eligible for EIPD services and have a recognized need for Pre-Employment Transition Services. ACHIEVE is accessible to students in various educational settings, including those who are homeschooled, or enrolled in traditional public schools, charter schools, virtual schools, private schools, early college programs, vocational schools, college courses, or training programs. The ACHIEVE Transition Program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need for successful transitions from school to work and into adult life.
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
ACHIEVE-Pre-ETS School Information & Verification Form
This form must be completed to be considered for Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS). The information is used to verify whether the individual named here is a student with a disability who qualifies for Pre-ETS.
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
image of the Circle of Support Action Step 1 worksheet
Circle of Support - Action Step 1
When making choices or setting goals, it can be helpful to know whom you can count on. Different people maybe helpful in different situations. Use this worksheet to write down the names of people who you know that you can ask for support or help.
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Coordinating Transition Services and Postsecondary Access
Guidance on requirements under the IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act - U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Categories: Special Education, Transition to Adulthood
DSB Transition Services (Web Ready Spanish)
División de Servicios para Personas Ciegas - Servicios de Transición para Jóvenes
Para jóvenes con discapacidad documentada, la Division de Servicios para Personas Ciegas (DSB) ofrece una variedad de servicios individualizados que ayudan a preparar y alcanzar metas para empleo integrado competitivo y una vida más independiente.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB PreEmployment Transition Services (Web Ready Spanish)
División de Servicios para Personas Ciegas - Servicios de Transición Pre-empleo
La División de Servicios para Ciegos (DSB) se asocia con estudiantes, familias, escuelas y otros proveedores de servicios para ofrecer a estudiantes un comienzo temprano en la exploración profesional y la preparación para la vida después de la escuela secundaria.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB Transition Services (Web Ready English)
Division of Services for the Blind - Transition Services for Youth
For youth with a documented disability, the Division of Services for the Blind (DSB) provides a variety of individualized services that help them prepare for and achieve goals for competitive integrated employment and more independent living.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
DSB PreEmployment Transition Services (Web Ready English) (002)
Division of Services for the Blind: Pre-Employment Transition Services
The Division of Services for the Blind (DSB) partners with students, families, schools and other service providers to give students an early start at career exploration and preparation for life after high school.
Categories: NC Deaf-Blind Project, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
FINAL ecac_SSI_SSDI_Flyer_revised_V6
Fact Sheet: SSI vs SSDI
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Supplemental Security Disability Income (SSDI)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Guardianship - Resource Guide from the Autism Society of North Carolina
This guide is intended to provide parents with practical information about guardianship to help them make an informed decision.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Family HCT Toolkit - Spanish_Page_01
Got Transition, su Grupo Asesor Nacional Familiar y la colaboración de padres líderes de habla hispana de Family Voices, han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para ayudar y guiar a las familias en la transición de sus jóvenes en los servicios de salud pediátricos a los de adulto. Esta guía es para familias e incluye recursos en español fáciles de usar para ayudar a jóvenes y familias a ser más independientes en su cuidado de su salud y el uso de los servicios de salud. Los recursos incluyen un programa de transición, preguntas para hacerle a su proveedor, lo que significa cumplir 18 años para su salud y más.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Hoja De Ruta Para El Empleo Significativo Y La Vida Independiente
Hoja De Ruta Para El Empleo Significativo Y La Vida Independiente
Una Guia Para Cuidadores Y Estudiantes
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Road signs that say IEP Road Map for Families with ecac logo
IEP Road Map for Families
A guide featuring the North Carolina IEP forms and useful tips for parents along the way.
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood
IEP Tip Sheet: Age of Majority
This tip sheet introduces and briefly defines age of majority. The age of majority is defined by state law and is the age at which the child is no longer a minor and assumes rights and responsibilities to make certain legal decisions. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for specific information about age of majority in your state.
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
IEP Tip Sheet: Transition Services
This tip sheet introduces and briefly defines transition services. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for supplemental requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
La Mayoría de Edad (Age of Majority Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
La transición de preparatoria en
Carolina del Norte
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
La vida es un viaje: ¡Aprenda más! ¡Haga más! ¡Sea más!
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
Maneras de apoyar a su hijo adulto
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
North Carolina's Got Talent! Application
YEP's NCGT column is here to put a spotlight on the many talents and abilities of NC Youth & Young Adults with Disabilities ages 5 to 26. The format of submissions can be a poem, artwork, blog, video, song, essay, article, presentation, an "About me" article, you name it. ECAC's Youth Advisory Team will review the submissions and choose which ones to feature in our next newsletter. Selected entries will receive a $25 Visa gift card in the mail!
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Image of the Post Secondary Goal Action Step 3 worksheet
Post-Secondary Goal Action Step 3
A tool to help youth create goals in the areas of Training/Education, Employment and Independent Living as part of their Transition to Adulthood.
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Removal and Replacement of Guardian Packet - Disability Rights North Carolina
This packet provides a list of actions that are grounds for petitioning the Clerk for removal and replacement of the ward’s guardian
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Rumbo a la preparatoria:
Elegir un curso de estudio
El camino hacia la edad adulta
Categories: Spanish, Transition to Adulthood
Servicios de Transición (Transition Services Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
Student Dream Sheet
Student Dream Sheet
Transition is a journey, begin NOW to plan for the trip. The Student Dream Sheet can help students set goals and share their interests and preferences.
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Transitions, Transition-age Youth, Transition to Adulthood
The Roadmap to Meaningful Employment and Independent Living
The Roadmap to Meaningful Employment and Independent Living
A Guide for Caregivers and Students on Transition to Adulthood
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities - Disability Rights North Carolina
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Transitioning from School to Adulthood
Transitioning from School to Adulthood: A Guide for Families and Caregivers
The intention of this guide is to provide direction, advice, and information, and to present a collection of resources that you can use to help navigate your transition to adulthood as smoothly as possible. Our goal is to point you in some useful directions, but it is ultimately up to you to decide what will be helpful for you in your transition journey. In the sections that follow, you will find guidance on transition planning, person-centered planning, building a transition IEP, and exploring pre-employment services.
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
Turning Rights Into Reality: How Guardianship and Alternatives Impact the Autonomy of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This report provides an in-depth examination of the unique challenges faced by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD), and how the use of alternatives such as supported decision-making may enable some individuals with ID/DD to exercise greater self-determination, participate more fully in their communities, and achieve greater economic self-sufficiency.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
image of the first page of the vision statement worksheet
Vision Statement Worksheet Action Step #2
This worksheet will help youth craft a vision statement about what they want for their life after high school!
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Heading to High School Choosing a Course of Study
WAZE to Adulthood - Heading to High School: Choosing a Course of Study
Learn about choosing a high school course of study!
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Lifes a Journey Learn More! Do More! Be More
WAZE to Adulthood - Life's a Journey: Learn More! Do More! Be More!
Learn about career exploration and training in high school, as well as postsecondary education and training!
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Decision-Making Options North Carolina
WAZE to Adulthood: Decision-Making Options
Turning 18 is a big deal. Your child becomes an adult at 18 and all the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood transfer to them. This includes the authority to make decisions for themselves. This is a good thing. It is the gateway to adult life. But it can also be a scary time if you and/or your child believe they are not ready or able to make their own decisions. Thankfully, there are options available.
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
NC High School Graduation Requirements
WAZE to Adulthood: NC High School Graduation Requirements
Learn about graduation requirements!
Categories: General, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Secondary Transition in North Carolina
WAZE to Adulthood: Secondary Transition in North Carolina
Learn about transition planning and services in North Carolina!
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
WAZE to Adulthood: Ways to Support Your Adult Child
Check out these resources and tips for supporting adult children!
Categories: Transition to Adulthood
YEP July 2022
YEP July 2022
Check out the July edition of YEP (Young Exceptional Perspectives)!
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP October 2022
YEP Newsletter October 2022
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP April 2022
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives April 2022
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP April 2023 (1)
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives April 2023
A Quarterly Newsletter by NC Exceptional Youth for NC Exceptional Youth
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP January 2022 updated
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives January 2022
Categories: Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
YEP January 2023
YEP Young Exceptional Perspectives January 2023
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Youth Advisory Team Application
ECAC recognizes the power and value of the voice and ideas of young people. ECAC has launched a Youth Advisory Team (YAT) to help us design projects, programs, and resources that are created for youth, by youth. ECAC will work in partnership with the group to coordinate opportunities and trainings that support the interests and personal development of the YAT members
Categories: Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth