¡Describiendo el Panorama GENERAL!
Los niños se benefician cuando los adultos que forman parte de sus vidas son capaces de observar y describir la mejor parte de ellos o de apreciar lo que es fundamental en su persona.
Categories: Communication, General, IEP, Spanish

504 Fact Sheet
Section 504 is a federal civil rights law, banning disability discrimination in all programs that get federal funding.
Categories: General, 504

A Parents’ Guide to Special Education in North Carolina
The focus of this Parent Guide from Children’s Law Clinic -Duke Law School, is the federal special education law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that promises each child with a disability a “free, appropriate, public education.”
Categories: General, Communication, IEP, Conflict Resolution, Special Education

About ECAC
About ECAC - What We Believe and What we Do and Do Not Do
Categories: General, Special Education

Care Notebook
A fillable tool for organizing a child's health care information.
Categories: Communication, General, Special Healthcare Needs

Care Notebook - Spanish
Una Herramienta para Organizar la Información de Salud de un Niño
Categories: Communication, General, Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs

Current Opportunities in North Carolina to Tell Your Story, Use Your Voice and/or Participate in Leadership Activities
A compilation of Current Opportunities in North Carolina to Tell Your Story, Use Your Voice and/or Participate in Leadership Activities
Categories: General, Parent Leadership

ECAC Fact Sheet
North Carolina's parent center, serving families with children (birth to 26) with disabilities or special health care needs
Categories: General

IDEA Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA).
Categories: General, IDEA, IEP

Intellectual Disability (ID) Fact Sheet
Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communication, self-care, and social skills...
Categories: General, Special Education

Let's Get Ready - A Family's Guide to Supporting Kindergarten Readiness
This resource from the Office of Early Learning, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is designed to support families and caregivers as they initiate the process of transitioning to kindergarten. It can best be utilized when provided at the onset of the Pre-K year.
Categories: Early Childhood, General, Transitions

Painting the Big Picture
Painting the BIG Picture! This worksheet has been created as a way for any adult to help “paint the big picture” of a child they care about and know well. The worksheet guides each writer to describe the child and to provide “tips” on what works best. The tips allow you to make a connection between what YOU know and what others can do to help him/her to be successful.
Categories: Advocacy, Communication, General, Special Education

Project Child Find
Child Find is a requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that mandates States to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities from birth to age 21 who are in need of special education and related services. Each State must offer Early Intervention Services for infants and toddlers with disabilities AND the provisions of a Free, Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to children ages 3 to 21 determined eligible for special education and related services.
Categories: General, IDEA, Special Education

Steps to Success: Communicating with your Child's School
If you have a child who is receiving special education services, you’re more than likely to be very involved with your child’s school and teachers — including planning, reviewing, and assessing your child’s educational program...
Categories: General, Communication, Family Engagement, Advocacy, Conflict Resolution

Student Snapshot
Classrooms are very busy and it often takes time for teachers and others to get to know and understand your son or daughter’s needs. ECAC Student Snapshot is a great way to share what you’ve learned about your child with teachers and other school staff and to communicate areas that might be of concern to you.
Categories: Communication, General, IEP

Student Support Decision Tree
When a parent or teacher expresses concern about a student’s health condition, learning or other challenges, the school will begin a process to determine the type of support and/or services that will meet the child’s needs...
Categories: 504, General, IEP

Talk Tools
Talk Tools features helpful questions to use in conversations and meetings about your child—including behaviors, accommodations, modifications, support strategies, classroom situations, teaching methods, or a child's response to these.
Categories: Advocacy, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Family Engagement, General, IEP

Terms to Know
Related terms including FAPE, IEP, LRE, accommodation, FBA, and others...
Categories: General, Advocacy, IEP

The Differences between IEPs and 504 Plans
Information including basic descriptions, what each does, what law applies, who is eligible, and more...
Categories: General, IEP, 504

WAZE to Adulthood: NC High School Graduation Requirements
Learn about graduation requirements!
Categories: General, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth

Working with your Child's Teachers
It is important to have a positive relationship with your child’s teacher. Effective and positive communication is key in building a partnership to help your child succeed...
Categories: General, Family Engagement, Advocacy