Empowering families, improving lives...everyday


You can make a difference.

Make a donation to ECAC in four convenient ways!

via Credit Card or PayPal 

You can make an online donation using your credit card or PayPal account.  You can make a standard contribution or recurring contribution in any amount.  The button below will take you to the PayPal website.

a dad making a donation on a laptop, happy
image of female in office chair smiling while making notes and looking at her phone

via Personal Check 

We are also pleased to accept donations by personal check. Make checks payable to ECAC and send to:

907 Barra Row
Suite 103
Davidson, NC 28036

via Telephone 

If you prefer to make a credit card donation via telephone during business hours, please contact Jana Kranz, ECAC Business Manager, at (704) 990-7288.

image of man on phone smiling with laptop open

GuideStar's Seal of Transparency - Platinum Seal 

We are proud to have earned the 2024 Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStarUSA! By adding information about our goals, strategies, capabilities, achievements, and progress indicators, we are highlighting the difference we help to make in North Carolina.