Categories: 504, Advocacy, Communication, Family Engagement, IEP, Parent Rights, Special Education
類別: 504, 住宿, IEP, 特殊教育
情況說明書 - 根據1973年《康復法》第504條,支援殘疾學生並避免歧視性地使用學生紀律
Categories: 504, Behavior, IDEA
Section 504 Protections for Students with Anxiety Disorders
Under Section 504, a student with an anxiety disorder can be a student with a disability for purposes of Section 504 if the student’s anxiety disorder substantially limits one or more of the student’s major life activities.
Categories: 504
Section 504 Protections for Students with Bipolar Disorder
Under Section 504, a student with bipolar disorder can be a student with a disability for purposes of Section 504 if the student’s bipolar disorder substantially limits one or more of the student’s major life activities
Categories: 504
Section 504 Protections for Students with Depression
Under Section 504, a student with depression can be a student with a disability for purposes of Section 504 if the student’s depression substantially limits one or more of the student’s major life activities.
Categories: 504
Section 504 Protections for Students with Eating Disorders
Under Section 504, a student with an eating disorder can be a student with a disability for purposes of Section 504 if the student’s eating disorder substantially limits one or more of the student’s major life activities.
Categories: 504