Empowering families, improving lives...everyday

Tools and Information

Special Healthcare Needs

¿Qué puede hacer por mí la Administración de Servicios Personalizada
¿Qué puede hacer por mí la Administración de Servicios Personalizada?
La Administración de Servicios es una opción. Si Usted opta por la Administración de Servicios , tendrá un equipo de Administración de Servicios que le ayudará a planificar su atención médica y coordinar los servicios de apoyo que Usted necesita.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
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NC Medicaid Waivers for People with Disabilities
Medicaid waivers “waive” certain federal Medicaid requirements, such as income requirements, to allow for people with qualifying disabilities to have access to specialized services and supports that are covered by Medicaid.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
1915(i) Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services
NC Medicaid’s new “1915(i) services” help you live more independently in your home and community, and give your caregivers the support they need. These services are for people with serious mental illness, severe substance use disorders, traumatic brain injuries or intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
A Tip Sheet for Families Considering Residential Program - expanded version
A Tip Sheet for Families Considering a Residential Program (expanded version)
Family members of children who have received residential services helped prepare this Family Tip Sheet so that you and others can benefit from their experience. Please use this Family Tip Sheet to help you (1) think about what is most important to you and to your child and (2) decide which questions you might want to ask when considering a residential program for your child.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Tip Sheet for Families Considering a Residential Program - short version
A Tip Sheet for Families Considering a Residential Program (short version)
Family members of children who have received residential services helped prepare this Family Tip Sheet so that you and others can benefit from their experience. Please use this Family Tip Sheet to help you (1) think about what is most important to you and to your child and (2) decide which questions you might want to ask when considering a residential program for your child.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
ABLE Account, Special Needs and Pooled Trust Comparison
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Asthma Tier Document 2-2024
Asthma Tiered Document - North Carolina Chronic Condition Prevention and Management in Schools
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Behavioral Health Tier Document 2-2024
Behavioral Health Tiered Document - North Carolina Chronic Condition Prevention and Management in Schools
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
CAP/C Application Checklist
In order to apply for the CAP/C Waiver, view this checklist for step-by-step instructions from Advocates for Medically Fragile Kids NC
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Care Notebook
A fillable tool for organizing a child's health care information.
Categories: Communication, General, Special Healthcare Needs
red heart in a pair of hands
Care Notebook - Spanish
Una Herramienta para Organizar la Información de Salud de un Niño
Categories: Communication, General, Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
F2F Flyer - Spanish
Centro de Información de Salud de Familia a Familia (F2F) de Carolina del Norte (Spanish)
Además de ayudar a las familias a comprender el sistema de educación especial, también nos especializamos en ayudar a las familias a orientarse dentro del sistema de salud de Carolina del Norte.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Diabetes Tier Document 2-2024
Diabetes Tiered Document - North Carolina Chronic Condition Prevention and Management in Schools
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
FINAL SPANISHecac_NewMedicaidWaivers_Flyer_Spanish (3)
Exenciones de Medicaid de Carolina del Norte para Personas con Discapacidades
Las exenciones de Medicaid "eximen" ciertos requisitos federales de Medicaid, como los requisitos de ingresos familiares, para permitir que las personas con discapacidades calificadas tengan acceso a servicios y apoyos especializados que están cubiertos por Medicaid.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Tip Sheet 2 - (Mandarin Chinese) Unwinding Appealing a Denial
Fact Sheet: Appealing a Medicaid Denial (Chinese)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Tip Sheet 2 - (English) Unwinding Appealing a Denial
Fact Sheet: Appealing a Medicaid Denial (English)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Tip Sheet 2 - (Spanish) Unwinding Appealing a Denial
Fact Sheet: Appealing a Medicaid Denial (Spanish)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
Fact Sheet: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) is the federal law (44 CFR Subpart B) that states that Medicaid must provide all medically necessary health care services to Medicaid-eligible children under the age of 21. Even if a service is not covered under the NC Medicaid State Plan, it can be covered for beneficiaries under 21 years of age if the service is listed in 1905(a) of the Social Security Act and if all EPSDT criteria are met.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Fact Sheet: Seasonal Affective Disorder
Many people go through short periods when they feel sad or unlike their usual selves. Sometimes, these mood changes begin and end when the seasons change. Many people feel “down” or have the “winter blues” when the days get shorter in the fall and winter and feel better in the spring when longer daylight hours return.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
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Fact Sheet: SSI vs SSDI
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Supplemental Security Disability Income (SSDI)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Fact Sheet- Tailored Care Management
Fact Sheet: Tailored Care Management (TCM)
Tailored Care Management (TCM) is a new care management model that began Dec. 1, 2022, for eligible NC Medicaid beneficiaries. With TCM, eligible beneficiaries have a single designated care manager, supported by a multidisciplinary team, to provide integrated care management to address the beneficiary’s whole-person health needs.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Family Voices en Español Flyer
Family Voices en Español!
The online magazine was developed in collaboration with family leaders from across the country and is available in Spanish and English. Learn from families like yours who are making a difference in their communities for children and youth with special health care needs. La revista en línea ha sido creada en colaboración con líderes familiares de todo el país y está disponible en español e inglés. Conozca otras familias como la suya quienes hacen la diferencia trabajando en sus comunidades con las familias de niños y jóvenes con necesidades especiales de la salud.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
F2F Flyer - English & Spanish
Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center Fact Sheet (English)
In addition to helping families navigate the special education system, ECAC also specializes in helping families navigate health related systems in NC.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): SSA, SSI, and SSDI
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Frequently Asked Questions: Affordable Care Act Eligibility for DACA Recipients
People with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) will be able to enroll in health coverage via Affordable Care Act marketplaces for the first time starting November 1, 2024. This FAQ answers key questions that DACA recipients may have about the enrollment process and addresses other concerns.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Guardianship - Resource Guide from the Autism Society of North Carolina
This guide is intended to provide parents with practical information about guardianship to help them make an informed decision.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Family HCT Toolkit - Spanish_Page_01
Got Transition, su Grupo Asesor Nacional Familiar y la colaboración de padres líderes de habla hispana de Family Voices, han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para ayudar y guiar a las familias en la transición de sus jóvenes en los servicios de salud pediátricos a los de adulto. Esta guía es para familias e incluye recursos en español fáciles de usar para ayudar a jóvenes y familias a ser más independientes en su cuidado de su salud y el uso de los servicios de salud. Los recursos incluyen un programa de transición, preguntas para hacerle a su proveedor, lo que significa cumplir 18 años para su salud y más.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
FINAL Unwinding Tip Sheets - NC (1) (1)
Has Your Child Lost Their Medicaid Benefits?
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
F2F Newsletter Jan 2023
Health Online: A Quarterly Disability and Health Newsletter (January 2023)
Brought to you by ECAC and NC's Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
FINAL F2F Newsletter July 2022 (1)
Health Online: A Quarterly Disability and Health Newsletter (July 2022)
A newsletter from ECAC, North Carolina's Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
F2F Newsletter Oct 2022
Health Online: A Quarterly Disability and Health Newsletter (October 2022)
A newsletter from ECAC, North Carolina's Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Immigration Status & Eligibility for Medicaid Expansion
Immigration Status & Eligibility for Medicaid Expansion
NC Medicaid now covers people ages 19 through 64 with higher incomes. You may be able to get health care coverage through Medicaid even if you did not qualify before. Medicaid pays for doctor visits, yearly check-ups, emergency care, dental care, mental health and more – at little or no cost to you.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Inside Info on Residential Programs - expanded version
Inside Info on Residential Program from Youth Who Have Been There (expanded version)
Starting residential treatment can be hard, but knowing what to expect can help. Those of us who wrote “Your Life – Your Future” have all been where you are right now. Sometimes we felt lost and like we were thrown into a difficult situation. We put this information together to help you (1) understand what to expect and (2) to get what you need to take charge of your recovery. If you have difficulty getting answers to your questions, make sure you tell your family or guardians and your care coordinator.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Inside Info on Residential Programs
Inside Info on the Residential Program from Youth Who Have Been There
Starting residential treatment can be hard, so knowing what to expect can help. You might feel alone or angry or scared, and you may be concerned that no one will listen to you and your concerns. We have been right where you are now. We put this information together to help you benefit from our experience.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Medical vs Educational 2025
Medical Condition/Clinical Diagnosis vs. Special Education Eligibility & Identification
Parents are often surprised to learn that their child’s medical condition or diagnosis, such as Autism, Dyslexia, Hearing Loss or muscle related disorders does not automatically qualify them for an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Understanding the differences between a medical diagnosis and an educational determination of eligibility for special education services can help families become better advocates for their children.
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Special Healthcare Needs
Mobile Outreach Response, Engagement & Stabilization (MORES)
Enhanced crisis response for children, adolescents and families. Behavioral health crises can be serious, but most do not require a visit to a hospital emergency department. Using other specialized crisis services may connect you more quickly to care and ongoing resources to support recovery
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Moving to a Medicaid Tailored Plan?
Call your Tailored Plan to make sure your doctors and specialists are in your network. Tailored Plans are a new kind of Medicaid health plan. If you got a welcome packet and new health plan ID card from Alliance, Partners, Trillium or Vaya, you have a Tailored Plan
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Navigating Chronic Conditions in Out-of-School Time
Resources and implementation tools
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
NC Medicaid Expansion - Questions & Answers
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
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NC Medicaid Managed Care County Playbook Reference Guide: Contacts for Beneficiaries
With NC Medicaid Managed Care comes the introduction of new points of contact for beneficiaries, such as the NC Medicaid Enrollment Broker and health plans
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
NC Medicaid PDN and School Provided Nursing Hours
NC Medicaid State Plan Private Duty Nursing & School-Provided Nursing Hours
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Private Duty Nursing
NC Medicaid: Private Duty Nursing
A Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service. Private Duty Nursing (PDN) is substantial, complex and continuous skilled nursing care that is authorized to supplement the care provided by a beneficiary’s trained, informal caregiver. Eligible beneficiaries must live in a private primary residence with at least one trained, informal caregiver who may provide direct care to the beneficiary during planned and unplanned absences of PDN staff. PDN services must be medically appropriate and medically necessary.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
NC Plan of Care/Individualized Healtcare Plan Template
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Services - NC Medicaid Tailored Plan.
This service is for people with NC Medicaid to help them get to their medical and mental health appointments. This includes people on the Tailored Plan, a kind of Medicaid health plan. Accessible rides are also available
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Rethinking Guardianship - Spanish
Reconsideración de la Tutela - Rethinking Guardianship
Apoyo a la elección y la autodeterminación en Carolina del Norte: Una guía
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Removal and Replacement of Guardian Packet - Disability Rights North Carolina
This packet provides a list of actions that are grounds for petitioning the Clerk for removal and replacement of the ward’s guardian
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Rethinking Guardianship
Rethinking Guardianship
Supporting Choice and Self-Determination in North Carolina: A Guide
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Schools and Medicaid
Schools and Medicaid - Information and Answers for Families
Categories: Special Education, Special Healthcare Needs
Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario vs Seguro por Incapacidad del Seguro Social
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Seizure Tier Document 2-2024
Seizure Tiered Document – North Carolina Chronic Condition Prevention and Management in Schools
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Servicios de Medicaid 1915(i) en el hogar y comunidad
El nuevo plan de “servicios 1915(i)” de NC Medicaid te ayuda a llevar una vida más independiente en tu hogar y comunidad, y le brinda el apoyo necesario a tus cuidadores. Son servicios para personas con enfermedades mentales graves, trastorno grave por uso de sustancias, lesiones cerebrales traumáticas o discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Severe Allergy Tier Document 2-2024
Severe Allergy Tiered Document – North Carolina Chronic Condition Prevention and Management in Schools
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Social Security Administration: Overpayments
Information from the Social Security Administration about overpayments and what you should do if you receive an overpayment notice.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Special Needs Trust
A Special Needs Trust is a type of trust. It is for someone with a disability. This type of trust gives people with disabilities income. It lets them have this income while keeping their needs-based public benefits. (This may be Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Medicaid benefits.)
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Staffing Healthcare In Schools_2-2024
Staffing Healthcare in Schools
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Transporte gratuito de ida y vuelta paratus citas médicas cubiertas por Medicaid
Los servicios de transporte médico que no es de emergencia (NEMT por sus siglas en inglés) están cubiertos por tu Tailored Plan (Plan personalizado) de NC Medicaid.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Trastorno afectivo estacional
Trastorno Afectivo Estacional
Muchas personas pasan por períodos cortos en los que se sienten tristes o un poco diferentes de lo normal. A veces, estos cambios en el estado de ánimo comienzan y terminan cuando cambian las estaciones. Muchas personas se sienten “decaídas” cuando los días se acortan en el otoño y el invierno (que también se conoce como “tristeza invernal”) y se sienten mejor en la primavera, cuando vuelve a haber más horas de luz natural.
Categories: Spanish, Special Healthcare Needs
Turning Rights Into Reality: How Guardianship and Alternatives Impact the Autonomy of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This report provides an in-depth examination of the unique challenges faced by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD), and how the use of alternatives such as supported decision-making may enable some individuals with ID/DD to exercise greater self-determination, participate more fully in their communities, and achieve greater economic self-sufficiency.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs, Transition to Adulthood
Understanding Medicaid Fair Hearings
Understanding Medicaid Fair Hearings
This factsheet explains the federal rules for Medicaid fair hearings (also referred to as an “appeal”) related to eligibility determinations that apply to all states and identifies areas where state practices may vary.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Autism Cartoon - English
Understanding the Spectrum - a Comic Strip Explanation
Categories: Advocacy, Autism, Special Healthcare Needs
What Can Tailored Care Management Do for Me
What Can Tailored Care Management Do For Me?
Care Management is a choice. If you choose care management, you will have a care management team to help you plan medical care and coordinate supports and services in your life.
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs
Your Student Has a Bleeding Disorder...Now What?
Categories: Special Healthcare Needs