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Navigate the IEP

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Each child is unique, thus the IEP must be as well

Special education is instruction that is specially designed to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. This means education that is individually developed to address a specific child’s needs that result from his or her disability.

As a result, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) can be one of the most critical components of your child's success.

On this page, you’ll find general information, helpful tips, and downloadable resources—to help you effectively navigate the IEP process and ensure the best educational experience for your child. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The focus and curriculum vary per child

Because each child is unique, it is difficult to give an overall example of special education. Some students may be working at the pre-kindergarten grade level, others at the first, second, or third grade level. 

There may be students whose special education focuses primarily on speech and language development, cognitive development, or needs related to a physical or learning disability. Special education for any student can consist of:

image of young Asian boy copying his mom
image of young girl with glasses lookignnglosely at textured cups

What the IEP covers, and what it does not

It is also important to remember that the education, services, and supports outlined in a child’s IEP do not necessarily cover that child’s entire education. The IEP only addresses those educational needs resulting from the child’s disability. If a child needs special education support throughout the school day, for all activities, the IEP will cover all these needs. 

If the child doesn’t need special education support in one or more areas (for example, physical education, music, or science), then the IEP will not include these subjects. The child accesses them through the general curriculum/ class, with no additional special education services.

IEP Resources

IEP Tip Sheet: Age of Majority
This tip sheet introduces and briefly defines age of majority. The age of majority is defined by state law and is the age at which the child is no longer a minor and assumes rights and responsibilities to make certain legal decisions. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for specific information about age of majority in your state.
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
IEP Tip Sheet: Transition Services
This tip sheet introduces and briefly defines transition services. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for supplemental requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
IEP Tip Sheet: Dates, Frequency, Location and Duration of Services
This tip sheet provides information about dates, frequency, location, and duration of services. It includes a brief summary of federal regulations and tips for implementation. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for additional requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
IEP Tip Sheet: Participation in Assessment
This tip sheet provides information about participation in assessment and accommodations for assessments. It includes a brief summary of federal regulations and tips for implementation. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for additional requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
IEP Tip Sheet: Explanation of Educational Setting
This tip sheet introduces and briefly defines educational settings that promote access to and progress in general education programming and provides tips for implementation. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for supplemental requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
IEP Tip Sheet: Overview of the Statement of Services & Aids
This tip sheet introduces and provides an overview of the statement of services and aids that are part of the individualized education program (IEP). It also includes a brief summary of federal regulations and tips for implementation. To learn more, review the more in-depth tip sheets for all four parts and check with state law for additional requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
IEP Tip Sheet: Measuring Progress Toward Annual Goals
This tip sheet discusses measuring progress toward annual goals. It provides a brief summary of federal regulations and tips for implementation. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for additional requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
IEP Tip Sheet: Measurable Annual Goals
This tip sheet introduces information about developing measurable annual goals. It includes a brief summary of federal regulations and tips for implementation. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for additional requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
IEP Tip Sheet: PLAAFP Statement
This tip sheet introduces the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance statement, or PLAAFP statement. It includes a brief summary of federal regulations and tips for implementation. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for additional requirements
Categories: IEP, Special Education
IEP Tip Sheet: An Overview of the IEP
This tip sheet reviews the elements of the individualized education program (IEP) and the IEP development process. To learn more, review the additional resources and check with state law for any additional requirements.
Categories: IEP, Special Education
La Mayoría de Edad (Age of Majority Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
Servicios de Transición (Transition Services Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transitions
Fechas, Frecuencia, Ubicación y Duración de los Servicios (Dates, Frequency, Location and Duration of Services Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Participación en la Evaluación (Participation in Assessment Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Explicación del Ambiente Educativo (Explanation of Educational Setting Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Un Panorama General de la Declaración de Servicios y Ayudas (Statement of Services and Aids Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Midiendo el Progreso Hacia las Metas Anuales (Measuring Progress Toward Annual Goals Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Metas Anuales Medibles (Measurable Annual Goals Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Declaración de PLAAFP (PLAAFP Statement Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
Generalidades del IEP (Overview of the IEP Spanish Version)
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
ECATS Tip Sheet Parent Counseling and Training (1)
Related Service: Parent Counseling and Training
This tip sheet is designed to support IEP teams in the documentation of Parent Counseling and Training within the IEP.
Categories: IEP, NC Deaf-Blind Project, Special Education
IEP Notebook-Span (2)
IEP Notebook/IEP Cuaderno
IEP Cuaderno Su participación en el desarrollo de un Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP por sus siglas en inglés) que sea efectivo y adecuado es esencial para el éxito de su hijo(a). Aunque el típico IEP normalmente cubre un período de 12 meses, cada IEP ayuda a consolidar la base para el futuro en la vida de su hijo. Piense en el adulto en el que su hijo se convertirá. Al planear, piense más allá de estos doce meses por venir. Considere su participación como un proceso de tres pasos.
Categories: IEP, Spanish, Special Education
IEP Tip Sheet for Parents - An Overview of the IEP - What to Know About Your Child’s IEP and How It Is Developed
This tip sheet from PROGRESS Center reviews the elements of the individualized education program (IEP) and the IEP development process.
Categories: IEP
ecac_IEP_NewLayout_04202022_rev (1) (2)
IEP Checklist
Check out these tips to prepare for your next IEP meeting!
Categories: Advocacy, IEP, Special Education
Secondary Transition in North Carolina
WAZE to Adulthood: Secondary Transition in North Carolina
Learn about transition planning and services in North Carolina!
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
Heading to High School Choosing a Course of Study
WAZE to Adulthood - Heading to High School: Choosing a Course of Study
Learn about choosing a high school course of study!
Categories: IEP, Special Education, Transition to Adulthood, Transition-age Youth
parent guide Glossary and Acronyms SPA Final
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Spanish, Special Education
image of a row of young children reading books
Guía para padres sobre la educación especial en Carolina del Norte
La Guía se centra en la ley federal de educación especial conocida como Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA, por sus siglas en inglés), que garantiza a todos los niños con discapacidades una "educación pública, gratuita y apropiada".
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Spanish, Special Education
front page of ECAC's SLD Fact Sheet
Specific Learning Disability Evaluation and Identification in North Carolina Fact Sheet
This document is intended to answer some questions that a parent/guardian might have about Specific Learning Disability, the identification process, and what this means for the parent and their child.
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Learning Disability, Special Education
Cover page of the NC Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities
Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities - March 2021
Policies written by the NC Department of Public Instruction outlining how NC schools will implement NC Special Education Law which is based on IDEA.
Categories: IDEA, IEP, Parent Rights, Special Education

IEP tips to remember

  • EVERY child can learn and make progress.
  • The steps of the IEP Process must be followed in the correct order.
  • The “I” in IEP stands for individualized.  Your child’s IEP must reflect your child.
  • The IEP should be specific, detailed and easily understandable by anyone – even if someone who is not a member of the current IEP Team.
  • Special Education is NOT a place. Special Education is the supports and services your child receives through his or her IEP.
  • On the IEP, Placement is NOT a location. Placement is the amount of time spent with special education services.
  • Statements about your child’s Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance are critical parts of the IEP.  They must be crystal clear and accurate.
  • Goals need to be logical, measurable, and relevant to your child.
  • The IEP Team should work together to reach a consensus.  There is NO voting!
  • Stay focused!  Don’t get sidetracked.
  • Parents are the constant – providing continuity to an ever-changing IEP Team.
  • Lack of money and/or other resources does not exempt a school district from providing what a child needs.
  • Don’t leave the meeting without a copy of your child’s IEP!
  • Download a copy of ECAC’s IEP Checklist…and use it!