Empowering families, improving lives...everyday

Family Engagement Month 2023

November is Family Engagement Month! https://www.ecac-parentcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/Untitled-Facebook-Post.mp4 November is Family Engagement Month! Family Engagement Month is a time to celebrate and acknowledge the important role of families in the education and well-being of their children throughout the year. A time to reflect upon the shared responsibilities of families, educators and community stakeholders to work together on … Read more

Special Healthcare Needs

Health Online: A Quarterly Disability and Health Newsletter (January 2023) Brought to you by ECAC and NC’s Family-to-Family (F2F) Health Information Center Download resource Categories: Special Healthcare Needs


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Remote (Virtual) Learning

Guía de Aprendizaje Digital para Padres y Familias ¿Cómo puede esta guía ayudarle? Participar en la educación de su hijo puede conducir a mejores resultados de aprendizaje. Esta “Guía de aprendizaje digital para padres y familias” le dirá cómo supervisar el progreso de su hijo según accede y utiliza la tecnología de aprendizaje. Esta guía … Read more

Transition to Adulthood

Life’s a Journey: Learn More! Do More! Be More! Circle of Support – Action Step 1 When making choices or setting goals, it can be helpful to know whom you can count on. Different people maybe helpful in different situations. Use this worksheet to write down the names of people who you know that you … Read more


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