Empowering families, improving lives...everyday

Meet the ECAC Staff – Carolina Hunter

Carolina Hunter
Meet the ECAC Staff - Carolina Hunter
Published: June 26, 2023

What brought you to ECAC and tell us about your current role?

I used to work with the ECAC on some projects when I worked with another organization. I loved what they stood for and went to them for a lot of guidance when I had my own struggles with my son's school. A couple of months ago I took a chance and reached out to see if they were hiring and lucky for me, they were! I am the Early Intervention Lead/Parent Educator.

Why do you love being a part of ECAC?

I love being part of an organization that "gets it." Everyone here truly understands the struggles of being a parent of a child with a disability and everyone goes out of their way to make you feel supported. It is a true family!

What is the most memorable event you have attended with ECAC?

I haven't attended any events as of yet because I am fairly new but am looking forward to the ones coming!

What keeps you motivated and inspired?

Knowing that I am making a difference and helping families that need help and guidance.

What is one piece of advice you would like to give to the parents you work with?

One piece of advice I'd like to give them is, I get it! I am just as frustrated with the system as they are and I truly want to help them.

Tell us more about your life outside of ECAC.

I am originally from New York City and moved to North Carolina in 2013. I am a mom of two and a bonus mom to one. My oldest son, Lyiam, has Autism, ADHD, and Sensory Processing disorder. When I am not working you can find me at soccer and baseball practices or the Raleigh flea market at the fairgrounds!

One thing people may not know about me…

I love to cook but I hate having to clean up the kitchen!