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Invisible Sentence: Recognizing, Supporting, and Advocating for Children of Incarcerated and Returning Parents

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Invisible Sentence: Recognizing, Supporting, and Advocating for Children of Incarcerated and Returning Parents
Published: April 2, 2021

16,000. Come learn more about the significance of this number. Melissa Radcliff, program director at Our Children's Place of Coastal Horizons, will share what the program has learned about children of incarcerated and returning parents and work to create a community where they are acknowledged, supported, and encouraged to share their stories. Our Children's Place is a statewide program committed to the children of incarcerated and returning parents. They strive to be the leading North Carolina advocate and educational resource focused on these children and the need for a statewide response to ensure their well-being.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:
· Share with others their acquired knowledge of the challenges that children of incarcerated and returning parents face on a daily basis and will be able to apply the strategies and techniques learned in this workshop to create a supportive environment for these children.
· Share with others their acquired increased knowledge of what the needs are of children of incarcerated and returning parents, increased knowledge of what services and programs exist and where the gaps are, and tools to advocate for these children to improve responses, programs, and services.
· Identify ways to collaborate with other professionals to improve the well-being of children of incarcerated and returning parents and will take what they learn back to their own professional settings to explore opportunities to better serve these children.
