What Will Her Life Be Like?

Check out the latest U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Blog by Terri Leyton.
Terri Leyton is the Technical Assistance Coordinator for Region B Parent Technical Assistance Center and Early Intervention Project Manager with Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Meteorology from Penn State and an MBA from UNC-Charlotte. Terri has worked with Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center since October 2017. Before that, she worked for the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte for seven years. Terri is originally from Northeast Pennsylvania and now resides in Harrisburg, North Carolina with her husband, Steve, and two children (Kelsey, 17, and Tyler, 11). She proudly wears the moniker of Soccer Mom, loves the beach and girls’ trips disguised as 5K races!