Empowering families, improving lives...everyday

Meet the ECAC Staff – Jana Kranz

Jana Kranz
Meet the ECAC Staff - Jana Kranz
Published: July 3, 2023

What brought you to ECAC and tell us about your current role?

I moved to North Carolina from Kansas twenty-three years ago and needed a part-time job. I worked as the Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director and now work full-time as Accounting Assistant.

Why do you love being a part of ECAC?

Watching an amazing group of people work together to help families.

What keeps you motivated and inspired?

Knowing that the work ECAC does helps families.

What is one piece of advice you would like to give to the parents you work with?

Never hesitate to ask questions.

Tell us more about your life outside of ECAC.

I enjoy my time with my family.

One thing people may not know about me…

I taught myself how to crochet.