Meet the ECAC Staff – Debra Pickens

What brought you to ECAC and tell us about your current role?
I came to ECAC because I have a son with deafblindness and I wanted to help other parents and self-advocates with a disability.
Why do you love being a part of ECAC?
I love the collaboration with other parents who have a child with a disability. I also love educating parents about their rights regarding special education.
What is the most memorable event you have attended with ECAC?
I love attending transition events when we are working directly with the self-advocate.
What keeps you motivated and inspired?
When you see parents and self-advocates take the information you sent them and use it to advocate for their child or themselves.
What is one piece of advice you would like to give to the parents you work with?
Educate and empower your child to be their "best" and live "interdependent" lives.
Tell us more about your life outside of ECAC.