Family Engagement Spotlight – Yadkin County Schools
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced school systems to look at education from a virtual standpoint and Yadkin County Schools are no different. Over the years the Exceptional Children’s Department has hosted an annual EC Parent night, but this year, they are doing something a little different and the pandemic is not going to stand in the way. As a North Carolina School Improvement Project Best Practice Site, and in conjunction with ECAC’s Family Engagement Month, the EC department is going live!
“As educators we realize that the pandemic has added an extra layer of stress inside the home and we would like to offer a virtual parent night that is available to parents when they have time to focus and relax.” explained Le’Don Bedsaul, the NC SIP Coordinator. In order to meet this need, the EC department will provide 3 different virtual parent nights over the course of this school year. The first parent night will focus on meeting the staff of our Pre-k and Elementary EC teachers, an overview of ECAC, their staff, and how they provide support to families of students with disabilities. There will also be an overview of the NC SIP Program and many of the evidence based reading and math programs that are currently being used in the classrooms. Parents are encouraged to fill out the guest form and suggest topics of interest for the January session where they will also meet the teachers in our district classrooms and view an art exhibit featuring district classroom students’ artwork. The final session will be in April and the focus will be on Autism Awareness and the transition process from Pre-K to Elementary; Elementary to Middle School; Middle School to High School and what happens after high school. Parents will also meet our middle and high teachers.